Niyanta Shetye

Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg
Fakultät 5 für Wirtschaft, Recht und Gesellschaft
Lehrstuhl Öffentliches Recht, insbesondere Umwelt- und Planungsrecht
Lehrgebäude 10
Raum 523
Erich-Weinert-Str. 1
03046 Cottbus
T +49 (0) 355 69 2033
E Niyanta.Shetye(at)
- April 2021 to March 2023: Academic Employee with the Chair of Public Law, in particular, Environmental and Planning Law.
- April 2021 to March 2023: Coordinator for the DAAD-BMZ funded "International Circular Economy Week 2021 and 2022".
- May 2020 to September 2021: E-learning consultant and on-demand volunteer with the One Resilient Earth gGmbH.
- November 2021 to December 2021: E-Learning consultant with the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
- October 2020 to November 2020: E-Learning consultant with the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).
- January 2019 to April 2019: Intern at United Nations University - Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES) in the Communications and Advocacy Unit.
- April 2017 to November 2017: Intern at United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Secretariat in the Adaptation Department and the Finance, Technology and Capacity Building Unit.
- Digitalisation and Transformative Learning for Sustainable Futures in Rural Africa – Leaving No One Behind” a book chapter in “Daniels, C., Teevan, C., Erforth, B. (Eds.) (2022): AU-EU cooperation in the age of Digital Transformation. Routledge. (Innovations in International Affairs) – will be published in November 2022. Available online at:
- Digital Innovation for Climate Action in Cities”, a chapter in “Albrecht, E., Palekhov, D., Kramm, S., Mileski, T. (Eds.) (2021): Transposition of the Acquis Communautaire: Environment and Migration. Germany. Dr Kovač. (Environmental Law in Research and Practice, 77). Available online at:
- Projektkoordinatorin für das DAAD-BMZ geförderte Projekt "Making Alumni Networks Digital. E-Learning Africa 2023-2024 (MANDELA)" mit den Schwerpunkten E-Learning, Climate Change Adaptation.
- Projektkoordinatorin für das vom DAAD-BMZ geförderte Projekt "Internationale Woche der Kreislaufwirtschaft 2021 und 2022" mit den Schwerpunkten Wissensaustausch, Capacity Building und Networking für deutsche Alumni aus dem globalen Süden.
- Lehrtätigkeit im Rahmen des vom DAAD geförderten Projekts "World Heritage Online Studies".