Beiträge in Sammelwerken
28 | "Ressourcensicherung durch Recycling von Sekundärrohstoffen" A. Rietig, J. Acker Systemwissen für die vernetzte Energie- und Mobilitätswende, Vereinigung für Betriebliche Bildungsforschung e.V.(Hrsg.), 2. überarbeitete Auflage, Berlin, 2022, S. 141 - 152. |
27. | "Understanding the Reasons for Erroneous Determinations of Boron in Silicon following Wet Chemical Digestion in HF/HNO3" A. Rietig, H.-J. Grafe, J. Acker Silicon for the Chemical and Solar Industry XVI, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 2022. ISBN 978-82-692919-0-2 |
26. | "Recovery and secondary use of Nickel-Manganese-Cobalt-Material from Cathodes of electric car traction batteries" J. Markowski, J. Acker, Jana Ducke, Matthias Schelter 59th Annual Conference of Metallurgists : emerging technologies in materials and metallurgical industries : COM 2020, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Paper 810719. |
25. | "Advanced insights into the stoichiometry and kinetics of the reaction of silicon in HF/HNO3 and HF/HNO3/H2SiF6 mixtures" A. Rietig, T. Langner, J. Acker Silicon for the Chemical and Solar Industry XV, Eds.:B. Andresen, H. Rong, M. Tangstad, H. Tveit, I.G. Page, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 2020, 145-159. |
24. | "Lattice strain and phase transformations in silicon introduced by the precipitation of Cu3Si" A. Meißner, T. Sieber, J. Acker Silicon for the Chemical and Solar Industry XV, Eds.:B. Andresen, H. Rong, M. Tangstad, H. Tveit, I.G. Page, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 2020, 47-56. |
23. | "Ressourcensicherung durch Recycling von Sekundärrohstoffen" A. Rietig, J. Acker Systemwissen für die vernetzte Energie- und Mobilitätswende, Vereinigung für Betriebliche Bildungsforschung e.V.(Hrsg.), Berlin, 2019, S. 170 - 181. |
22. | "The impact of lattice strain on the reactivity of silicon" J. Acker, T. Sieber, T. Langner, S. Herold Silicon for the Chemical and Solar Industry XIV, Eds.:B. Andresen, L. Nygaard, H. Rong, M. Tangstad, H. Tveit, I.G. Page, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 2018, 11-20. |
21. | "A new and fast method for determination of boron, phosphorus and other trace elements in metallurgical grade silicon" A. Rietig, J. Acker Silicon for the Chemical and Solar Industry XIII, Eds.: L. Nygård, B. Pachaly, I.G. Page, H. Rong, M. Tangstad, H. Tveit, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 2016, 95-106 |
20. | "Segregation, grain boundary milling, and chemical leaching for the refinement of metallurgical-grade silicon for photovoltaic application" J. Acker, J. Ducke, A. Rietig, T. Müller, S. Eisert, B. Reichenbach, W. Löser Silicon for the Chemical and Solar Industry XII, Eds.: H.A. Øye, H. Brekken, H.M. Rong, M. Tangstad, H. Tveit, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 2014, 177-188 |
19. | "Comparison of sawing technique and the resulting acidic texturisation" B. Meinel, C. Blocks, T. Koschwitz, J. Acker Proceedings of the 27th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 2012, 798-801 |
18. | "Mass and electron balance of silicon etching using HF-HNO3 mixtures - The formation of hydrogen and nitrous gases" J. Acker, M. Steinert, V. Hoffmann, N. Schramm, M. Suckow Proceedings of the 26th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 2011, 1662-1665 |
17. | "Etch kinetics and morphological investigation on the horizontal etching process" B. Meinel, R. Heinemann, T. Koschwitz, J. Acker Proceedings of the 26th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 2011, 1671-1673 |
16. | "Thermoelektrische Schädigungsmechanismen an elektrochemisch abgeschiedenen Kupfer-Damszen-Leitbahnen" M. Stangl, M. Liptak, J. Acker, V. Hoffmann, K. Wetzig Jahrbuch Oberflächentechnik (Eugen G. Leutze Verlag) 64 (2008) 287-292 |
15. | "Application of the copper Damascene process for the preparation of electromigration test structures" M. Stangl*, J. Acker, V. Hoffmann, K. Wetzig, U. Künzelmann, J.W. Bartha Conference Proceedings "International Conference on Planarization/CMP Technology (ICPT)" 25. - 27. Oktober 2007, Dresden, VDI Verlag, S.331-336 |
14. | "Neue Erkenntnisse über den Mechanismus des sauren Ätzens von Silicium" M. Steinert, J. Acker, K. Wetzig Freiberger Forschungshefte, B337 "Freiberger Siliciumtage 2005: Halbleitermaterialien, Prozesstechnologie und Diagnostik", Hrsg.: H.-J. Möller, G. Roewer, 2006, S. 145-157 |
13. | "Advanced barriers for copper interconnects" M. Hecker, R. Hübner, J. Acker, V. Hoffmann, N. Mattern, R. Ecke, S.E. Schulz, H. Heuer, C. Wenzel, H.J. Engelmann, E. Zschech Materials for Information Technology: Devices, Interconnects and Packaging, Eds.: E. Zschech, C. Whelan, T. Mikolajick, in book series: Engineering Materials and Processes, Springer Verlag London, 2005, S. 283-295 |
12. | "Compensation effect in direct reactions of silicon" J. Acker, H. Lieske, K. Bohmhammel Organosilicon Chemistry VI: From Molecules to Materials", Eds.: N. Auner, J. Weis, Wiley-VCH, 2005, S.112-118 |
11. | "Beiträge zur Thermodynamik und Kinetik heterogener Reaktionen der Siliciumchemie" J. Acker Freiberger Forschungshefte, 2005 (ISBN 3-86012-248-7) |
10. | "Basic reactions and mechanism of processes related to the direct synthesis" K. Bohmhammel, G. Roewer, I. Röver, J. Acker Silicon for the Chemical Industry VII, Eds.: H.A. Øye, A. Holås, L. Nygaard, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 2004, 125-138 |
9. | "Gewinnung von Precursor-Verbindungen zur Reinstsiliciumherstellung" J. Acker, G. Roewer, I. Röver, K. Bohmhammel Freiberger Forschungshefte, B327 "Freiberger Siliciumtage 2003: Halbleitermaterialien, Prozesstechnologie und Diagnostik", Hrsg.: H.-J. Möller, G. Roewer, 2004, S. 21-34 |
8. | "Untersuchungen zum Einbau von Additiven in elektrochemisch abgeschiedenen Kupferschichten" M. Stangl, J. Acker, A. Henßge, W. Gruner, V. Hoffmann, H. Wendrock, K. Wetzig Tagungsband "Oberflächentage 2004" der 42. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Galvano- und Oberflächentechnik e.V., 22.24. September 2004, Dresden, 2004, S. 185-187 |
7. | "Characterization of a PECVD WNx barrier layer against copper diffusion" S. Zimmermann, R. Ecke, M. Rennau, S.E. Schulz, M. Hecker, A. Voß, J. Acker, H.-J. Engelmann, N. Mattern, E. Zschech, T. Gessner Advanced Metallization Conference 2003 (AMC 2003), Conference Proceedings AMC XIX, Eds.: G.W. Ray, T. Smy, T. Ohta, M. Tsujimura, Materials Research Society, 2004, S. 397-402 |
6. | "SEM/EBSD texture analysis of electrochemically deposited CuAg-alloy thin films" S. Strehle, S. Menzel, H. Wendrock, J. Acker, K. Wetzig Proceedings of the Microscopy Conference, 8.-12. September 2003, Dresden, S.272-273 |
5. | "Monitoring der Silicidbildung von Übergangsmetallen mittels elektrischer Widerstandsmessungen" I. Röver, J. Acker, G. Roewer, K. Bohmhammel Freiberger Forschungsheft Nr. 325 (2002) 55-61 |
4. | "The catalytic hydrogenation of chlorosilane - the crucial point of production of electronic-grade silicon" J. Acker, K. Bohmhammel, K. Hesse, U. Pätzold, G. Roewer, I. Röver Silicon for the Chemical Industry VI, Eds.: H.A. Øye, H.M. Rong, L. Nygaard, G. Schüssler, J. Kr. Tuset, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 2002, 209-226 |
3. | "Formation of silicides in the system metal-silicon-chlorine-hydrogen: Consequences for the synthesis of trichlorosilane from silicon and hydrogen chloride" J. Acker, I. Röver, G. Roewer, K. Bohmhammel Silicon for the Chemical Industry V, Eds.: H.A. Øye, H.M. Rong, L. Nygaard, G. Schüssler, J. Kr. Tuset, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 2000, 121-133 |
2. | "Thermodynamics, kinetics and catalysis in the system Ni-Si-H-Cl: Thermodynamical description of chlorine-containing silicides " J. Acker, K. Bohmhammel, G. Roewer in: "Organosilicon Chemistry IV From Molecules to Materials", Eds.: N. Auner, J. Weis, Wiley-VCH, 2000, 818-823 |
1. | "Thermodynamic and kinetic study of the Ni-Si-Cl-H-system. The relevance for the catalytic synthesis of trichlorosilane." J. Acker, K. Bohmhammel, G. Roewer Silicon for the Chemical Industry IV, Eds.: H.A. Øye, H.M. Rong, L. Nygaard, G. Schüssler, J. Kr. Tuset, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 1998, 133-143 |