Checklist for gender equitable appointment procedures
In 2010, quality standards for equal opportunities for women and men at Brandenburg universities were adopted by the State University Rectors' Conference and the MWFK. These state, among other things: "All universities develop offers to attract and retain qualified women with families for the science sector. [...] The universities are committed to increasing the proportion of women in the areas in which they are underrepresented, up to top positions. [...] All higher education institutions shall take appropriate measures to counteract the departure of highly qualified women from the science system."
With the present checklist for appointment procedures to ensure the quality standards for equal opportunities for women and men at Brandenburg universities, the commission chairs as well as the accompanying equal opportunity officers are provided with an instrument for operationalizing these goals for appointment procedures and at the same time a practical working aid. The checklist was developed in 2017 by the State Conference of Equal Opportunity Officers at Brandenburg universities.
At the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, it is a declared goal to recruit outstanding university teachers. In order to achieve this, appointment procedures must be carried out professionally, quickly and in compliance with high quality standards. In the appointment guidelines, recommendations for action and advice are given to ensure fairness, appropriate transparency, responsible handling of applicants, as well as aspects of equality and equal opportunities.