M.Sc. Luis Costero Sánchez

Akademischer Mitarbeiter
nach Vereinbarung
- Research employee in the project SHEFAE2 (Surface Heat Exchanger For Aero Engine 2)
- Person in charge of the workpackage "Forschendes Lernen in Maschinenbaustudium" belonging to the BTU´s internal project "Exzellenz von Studium und Lehre"
- Maintenance of the Chair´s web site
- Maintenance of the Chair´s cluster
- Teaching:
- Supervision of CFD & thermal tasks in the course Übungs zur Triebwerkskonstruktion (SS2019)
- Promoter and focal point of international student exchange program between ETSIAE (Madrid) and BTU under the framework of the ERASMUS+ program
- Interaction Heat Transfer, Fluid Dynamics and Structural Analysis (HFSI) in gas turbine engines (rotor, blade, guide vane)
- Conjugate Heat Transfer methods
- Reduced Order Models methods in aero thermal systems
- Numerical optimization methods (Design of Experiments-DoE, Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm-MOGA, Pareto-Front, Adjoint solver, Free-Form Deformation)
- Topology optimization of stator components in aero engine
- Use and combination of Open-Source tools (LINUX, C++, Python) to optimise the working methods and reduce the computation time with HPC (High Performance Computing)
Since 2016
PhD researcher at the Chair of aero engine design (Prof. Dr.-Ing. K. Höschler)
Institute of Transport Technology,
Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
Rolls Royce University Technology Centre (UTC)
2014 – 2016
Rotor Modul Lead Designer (ANECOM/FERCHAU)
2012 - 2014
Master of Science studies: Computational Engineering (Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin)
Internship and master thesis (CFX Berlin Software): “Examination of the adjoint solver in ANSYS Fluent”
Mechanical Design Engineer (ALTRAN)
Main projects:
- Design model/mock up (HTP and VTP) to test in wind tunnel (A350, A30X, A350XWB)
- Detailed design of the Spanish Unmanned Aerial Vehicle DIANA (INTA)
- Satellite radiant elements design (filter and antennas) (RYMSA)
- Detailed design of a cylinder-parabolic solar tracker EUROTROUGH (MECASOLAR)
1997 - 2005
Mechanical Engineer studies (ETSII-UPM, Madrid)
2004 - 2005
Internship and master thesis (Patentes Talgo) :"Design of the mechanical brake system for automatic gauge system in the 6 and 7 series coaches"