Pearl Puwurayire M.Phil.
Akademische Mitarbeiterin / Doktorandin
Konrad-Wachsmann-Allee 4
03046 Cottbus
LG 2B, R. 1.16
Tel. +49 355 - 69 2075
Fax. +49 355 - 69 3046
09/2021 - Date | Doctoral researcher - Hybrid Urbanisms project, Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus
02/2021– Date | Lecturer - DepartmentofPlanning andSustainability,University of Energy and Natural Resources, Sunyani Courses:
01/2020 | Research Assistant - Department of Planning and Sustainability, University of Energy and Natural Resources, Sunyani
10/2016 - Date | Project Facilitator and Co-founder, Cause a Smile Foundation
11/2018 -12/2019 | Internship, Atwima Nwabiagya District Assembly (District Co-ordinating Planning Unit)
2017 - 2019 | National Service Personnel, National Investment Bank
Period | Qualification | Institution |
2017 - 2019 | Development Studies (MPhil) | Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology |
2012 - 2016 | BSc. Planning | University for Development Studies |
2008 – 2012 | WASSCE (General Art Option) | OLA Girls’ Senior High School - Ghana |
2007 – 2011 | Basic Education Certificate Examination | Martyrs of Uganda Preparatory School |
HYBRID URBANISM: Water Delivery Configuration in Urban Ghana - The Case of Sunyani
The role of both ´formal´ and ´informal´ water vendors in the advancement of the supply of water to urban dwellers especially poor dwellers have been largely regarded in contemporary urban studies and planning literature. However, the complex and intertwined nature of the ´formal´ and ´informal´ that have, in contemporary literature, been considered useful in the deliberation of issues concerning water delivery. To propel a comprehensive argument in the discourses of water, this study examines delivery configurations from the perspective of experts and dwellersl in the delivery of water. Discussions in this study also unveils the systems (water policies, programs and institutions) facilitated by the formal sectors in cities in Ghana by using the concept `hybrid urbanism` as the analytical framework. By using the ´building and dwelling perspectives´ to unpack issues of water from both residents and experts respectively, the study unveiled that urban water system, local realities and institutional frameworks have the tendency to perpetuate inequality and social injustice in secondary cities. The results also suggest that existence of informal water vendors in the supply chain of water in urban areas is as result of complex multi-faceted developmental issues that are deeply hidden in economic, legal and institutional glitches that exist in society.
- Publication: Abagna Azunre,G/Azerigyik,R/Puwurayire,P (2021): Eciphering the drivers of informal urbanization by Ghana’s Urban Poor through the lens of the Push-Pull Theory. in: Planning Forum UT [online]
- American Association of Geographers – (03/2022)
- Urban Theory Africa – Doing (Uta-Do): African Cities Workshop – (06/2022)
- Urban and Regional Development Doctoral School: RC21&IJURR – (07/2022)
- Informal Solid Waste Collector and their Safety Practices - European Conference of African Studies (05/2023)
- Analyzing the Intersection of Formal and Informal Water Actors as a Socio-Material Practices– ISA World Congress of Sociology (06/2023)
- Practicing Interdisciplinary in Planning and Design of Secondary – Summer School, Peru – (09-2023)
- Socio-demographic attributes of artisanal small-scale miners and their operations in Ghana.
- Deciphering the Drivers of Informal Urbanization by Ghana´s Urban Poor Through the Lens of the Push-Pull Theory (2019).
- Occupational Health and Safety Practices of Informal Solid Waste Collectors - (2017-2019)
- Challenges and Contribution of Motor tricycles to Rural Mobility; The Case of Piisi Community - Upper West Region, Ghana (2015-2016)
- Comprehensive report on the profile and needs of Mpatasie Community – Ghana (2013-2014)
- Springboard Leadership Training and Seminar – (03/2015)
Cause a Smile Foundation | 10/2016 – Date |
Good People Foundation | 02/2014 – Date |
Deputy Regional Coordinator, Springboard Roadshow Coordinator | 06/2015 – 06/2016 |
Chairperson, Editorial Team (Ghana Association of Student Planner, UDS) | 06/2015 – 06/2016 |
Vice President, International Movement of Catholic Student | 06/2014 - 06/2015 |