apl. Prof. Dr. Thomas Fischer
apl. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Thomas Fischer
BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
Zentrales Analytisches Labor
Konrad-Wachsmann-Allee 6
03046 Cottbus
Tel: +49 355 692840
Fax: +49 355 694181
Module: Forensische Untersuchungs- und Analyseverfahren 1 und 2 (11183 & 11184)
Die Studierenden entwickeln ein Grundverständnis für die Grundlagen und die Grenzen der kriminaltechnischen Untersuchung an konkreten Fallbeispielen im Bereich der biologischen, physikalischen, chemisches und mineralogischen Untersuchung und wenden diese in Übungen/Laborpraktika an. Es erfolgt eine Einführung in die Arbeit mit Asservaten unter Nutzung der modernster Untersuchungsmethoden.
Schwerpunkte der biologischen Analyse
DNA-Spuren (Genetik-Labor des CTK)
Insekten (Käfer, Larven etc.) im Wege der Entomologie
Schwerpunkte der physikalischen Analyse
Multispektrale und multimodale bildgebende Verfahren:
- Schmauchspurenanalytik, Schussabstandsbestimmung
- Echtheitsprüfung von Dokumenten
- Fasern, Lacke und Pulver
- Blutnachweis
Schwerpunkte der chemischen Analyse
Analytische Kopplungstechniken, GC/LC-MS, NMR
- Drogenrückstandsanalytik, Blutalkoholbestimmung
- Brandursachenermittlung
Schwerpunkte der mineralogischen Analyse
Mineralbestimmung und Korngrößenverteilung, Einführung in die Bodenkunde
- Bodenanhaftungen an Spurenträgern
Studium der Biologie und Geowissenschaften (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Staatliche Universität Kasan/Russ. Föderation)
Promotion an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Habilitation an der BTU Cottbus
Fischer, T. (2017) Humic supramolecular structures have polar surfaces and unpolar cores in native soil. Chemosphere 183:437-443
Hirsch, F., Spröte, R., Fischer, T., Forman, S., Raab, T., Bens, O., Schneider, A., Hüttl, R.F. (2017) Late Quaternary aeolian dynamics, pedostratigraphy and soil formation in the North European Lowlands - new findings from the Baruther ice-marginal valley. Die Erde 148(1):59-74
Kuhn, R., Toth, E., Geppert, H., Fischer, T., Liebsch, S., Martienssen, M. (2017) Identification of the complete photodegradation pathway of ethylenediaminetetra(methylenephosphonic acid) in aqueous solution. CLEAN - Soil, Air, Water (Accepted manuscript online: 17 February 2017)
Subbotina, M., Fischer, T., Mikhailova, L., Losev, D. (2016) The influence of postagrogenic transformation on biological properties of soddy shallow clay loam podzolic soil in the Preduralie. Agriculture & Forestry, 62(1):59-63
Gypser, S., Veste, M., Herppich, W.B., Fischer, T., Lange, P. (2016) Photosynthetic characteristics and their spatial variance of biological soil crust covering initial soils of post-mining sites in Lower Lusatia. Flora, 220:103–116
Gypser, S., Veste, M., Fischer, T., Lange, P. (2016) Infiltration and water retention of biological soil crusts on reclaimed soils of former open-cast lignite mining sites in Brandenburg, north-east Germany.
J. Hydrol. Hydromech., 64(1):1-11Wang, H., Fischer, T., Wieprecht, W., Möller, D. (2015) A predictive method for volatile organic compounds emission from soil: Evaporation and diffusion behavior investigation of a representative component of crude oil. Science of the Total Environment, 530-531:38-44
Wang, H., Geppert, H., Fischer, T., Wieprecht, W., Möller, D. (2015) Determination of Sucrose in Honey with Derivatization/Solid-Phase-Microextraction and Gas-Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. Journal of Chromatographic Science, 53(9):1427-1431.
Wang, H., Fischer, T., Wieprecht, W., Möller, D. (2015) A predictive method for crude oil volatile organic compounds emission from soil: Evaporation and diffusion behavior investigation of binary gas mixtures. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22(10):7735-7743.
Fischer, T., Gypser, S., Subbotina, M., Veste, M. (2014) Synergic hydraulic and nutritional feedback mechanisms control surface patchiness of biological soil crusts on tertiary sands at a post-mining site. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 62(4):293–302
Fischer, T., Subbotina, M. (2014) Climatic and soil texture threshold values for cryptogamic cover development: a meta analysis. Biologia 69/11:1520-1530
Dümig, A., Veste, M., Hagedorn, A., Fischer, T., Lange, P., Spröte, R., Kögel-Knabner, I. (2014) Organic matter from biological soil crusts induces the initial formation of sandy temperate soils. Catena 122:196-208
Wang, H., Geppert, H., Fischer, T., Wieprecht, W., Möller, D. (2014) Determination of volatile organic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in crude oil with efficient gas-chromatographic methods. Journal of Chromatographic Science; 2015;53:647-654
Mykhailova, L., Fischer, T., Iurchenko, V. (2014) Deposition of petroleum hydrocarbons with sediment trapped in snow in roadside areas. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management 22(3):237-244
Rodionov, A., Nii-Annang, S., Fischer, T., Gattinger, A., Bens, O., Raab, T., Hüttl, R.F. (2014) Cross-linked polyacrylate in post-mining substrates: persistence and effects on plant growth. Soil Use and Management 30(1):78-87
Sut, M., Fischer, T., Repmann, F., Raab, T. (2013) Long-term release of iron-cyanide complexes from the soils of a Manufactured Gas Plant site. Journal of Environmental Protection 4:8-19
Mykhailova, L., Fischer, T., Iurchenko, V. (2013) Distribution and fractional composition of petroleum hydrocarbons in roadside soils. Applied and Environmental Soil Science, vol. 2013, Article ID 938703, 6 pages
Fischer, T., Yair, A., Veste, M., Geppert, H. (2013) Hydraulic properties of biological soil crusts on sand dunes studied by 13C-CP/MAS-NMR: a comparison between an arid and a temperate site. Catena 110:155-160
Xiao, B., Wang, H., Fan, J., Fischer, T., Veste, M., (2013) Biological soil crusts decrease soil temperature in summer and increase soil temperature in winter in semiarid environment. Ecological Engineering 58:52-56
Brankatschk, R., Fischer, T., Veste, M., Zeyer, J. (2013) Succession of N Cycling Processes in Biological Soil Crusts on a Central European Inland Dune. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 83(1):149-160
Fischer, T., Veste, M., Bens, O., Hüttl, R.F. (2012) Dew formation on the surface of biological soil crusts in central European sand ecosystems. Biogeosciences 9:4621–4628
Sut, M., Fischer, T., Repmann, F., Raab, T., Dimitrova, T. (2012) Feasibility of field portable near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy to determine cyanide concentrations in soil. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 223:5495–5504
Fischer, T., Veste, M., Eisele, A., Bens, O., Spyra, W., Hüttl, R.F. (2012) Small Scale Spatial Heterogeneity of Normalized Difference Vegetation Indices (NDVI) and Hot Spots of Photosynthesis in Biological Soil Crusts. Flora 207:159-167
Zyakun, A., Nii-Annang, S., Franke, G., Fischer, T., Buegger, F., Dilly, O. (2011) Microbial Actvity and 13C/12C Ratio as Evidence of N-Hexadecane and N-Hexadecanoic Acid Biodegradation in Agricultural and Forest Soils. Geomicrobiology Journal 28:632-647
Dilly, O., Nii-Annang, S., Franke, G., Fischer, T., Buegger, F., Zyakun, A. (2011) Resilience of microbial respiration, respiratory quotient and stable isotope characteristics to soil hydrocarbon addition. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 43:1809-1812
Fischer, T., Veste, M., Schaaf, W., Bens, O., Dümig, A., Kögel-Knabner, I., Wiehe, W., Hüttl, R.F. (2010) Initial pedogenesis in a topsoil crust 3 years after construction of an artificial water catchment in Brandenburg, NE Germany. Biogeochemistry 101:165-176
Fischer, T., Veste, M., Wiehe, W., Lange, P. (2010) Water repellency and pore clogging at early successional stages of microbiotic crusts on inland dunes, Brandenburg, NE Germany. Catena 80(1):47-52
Spröte, R., Fischer, T., Veste, M., Raab, T., Wiehe, W., Lange, P., Bens, O., Hüttl, R.F. (2010) Biological topsoil crusts at early successional stages on recultivated post-mining sites in Brandenburg, NE Germany. Geomorphologie: relief, processes, environment 4:359-370
Fischer, T. (2009) Substantial rewetting phenomena on soil respiration can be observed at low water availability. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 41(7):1577-1579
Hüttl R.F., Fischer T. (2007) Editorial: Carbon sequestration and landscape ecology in Western Europe. Ecological Engineering 29(4):317-318
Bergmann, Ch., Fischer, T., Hüttl, R.F. (1999) Significance of litter- and humus-layer quality for rates and forms of N cycling in moder- to rawhumus-moder profiles under Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Plant and Soil 213 (1-2):11-21
Fischer, T., Bergmann, Ch., Hüttl, R.F. (1995) Soil carbon and nitrogen budget in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L) stands along an air pollution gradient in eastern Germany. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 85 (3):1671-1676
Fischer, T. (1993) Einfluß von Winterweizen und Winterroggen in Fruchtfolgen mit unterschiedlichem Getreideanteil auf die mikrobielle Biomasse und die jahreszeitliche Kohlenstoffdynamik des Bodens. Arch. Acker- Pfl. Boden., 37: 181-189. ( see AGRIS database)
- Shinkarev AA, Giniyatullin KG, Fischer T., Grigoryan BR (1990) Fractionation of humic substances of a chernozem, a dark greyzem and a podzol by means of consecutive solvent extraction. Biologicheskie Nauki 1: 131-135.
[in russ: Шинкарев АА, Гиниятуллин КГ, Фишер Т, Григорян БР (1990) Фрактионирование гумусовых веществ чернозема, темно-серой лесной и дерново-подзолистой почв методом последовательного растворения. Биологические Науки 1: 131-135.]
- Shinkarev AA, Giniyatullin KG, Fischer T. (1988) Salting out humic substances of forest steppe chernozems. Pochvovedenie 20 (2): 150-152
[in russ: Шинкарев АА, Гиниятуллин КГ, Фишер Т (1988) Высаливание гумусовых веществ лесостепных черноземов. Почвоведение 20 (2): 150-152.]
Shinkarev AA, Kostyukevich II, Hingst G, Fischer T. (1987): Kinetics of the Dissolving of Humic Acids, Free and bound to Calcium, in the A1 Horizon of Chernozems and Sod-Podzolic Soils. Soviet Soil Science 19 (2): 78-80.