Associate Professor

apl. Prof. PD Dr. rer. nat. habil. Manfred Wanner
Dipl. Biol.
Konrad-Wachsmann-Allee 6, LG 2C, Raum 217
Phone: (0355) 69 2738
Fax: (0355) 69-2225
Dates by arrangement!
LG 2C, Raum 217
Morphological and ecological investigations on terrestrial testate amoebae (protists) considering terrestrial Si cycles, soils contaminated with heavy metals, and forensic aspects.
since 2013 Adjunct professor (APL), BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
2013 Venia legendi in zoology (BTU CS)
since 2007 Academic staff member at the chair of General
Ecology, BTU Cottbus/Dept. Ecology, BTU CS
(permanent position)
2007-2013 Adjunct professor (APL), University of Ulm
1997 Venia legendi in protistology and zoology (Univ.
1997 Habilitation, University of Ulm (ecological,
morphological and molecular investigations on
testate amoebae)
1989 PhD (terrestrial testate amoebae)
1980-1986 Study of biology (diploma), University of Ulm, Germany
Additional teaching
University of Ulm: Zoology, Soil Biology (1994-2016)
International Institute (IHI) Zittau, Biotechnology of protists (2005- present)
Soil zoology and protozoology, testate amoebae, biogenic Si and terrestrial silicon cycle, disturbed sites, community assembly
Badewitz, H.-J.: Ein weiterer Beitrag zur Fauna der beschalten Amöben im Elbe-Umflutkanal bei Magdeburg (Sachsen-Anhalt) mit Beschreibung zweier neuer Arten: Allelogromia wanneri n.sp. und Clypeolina meisterfeldi n.sp.
• Deutsche Gesellschaft für Protozoologie (DGP)
Editorial Board
• Soil Organisms
• Protozoological Monographs