Dr. Florian Hofmann
Florian Hofmann studied Management & Economics (BA) and Sustainability Science (MSc) at the Münster School of Business, San Diego State University and Leuphana University in Lüneburg. He worked for several years as a research fellow at the Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration (IZM) and at the Technical University Berlin. He writes, researches, and advices on the topics of circular economy, sustainability transitions, degrowth, and corporate sustainability management.
Florian Hofmann completed his doctorate in the research group "Obsolescence as a Challenge for Sustainability", a six-year transdisciplinary project consisting of scientists from Fraunhofer IZM, the Center of Technology and Society and the Department of Nano Interconnected Technologies (both Technical University Berlin). He was financially supported and funded for three years by a PhD scholarship from the Heinrich Böll Foundation - The Green Political Foundation in Germany. In September 2022, Florian Hofmann completed his PhD with summa cum laude at the Technical University Berlin.
Research interests and areas of work
- Circular Economy
- Circular Ecosystems und Innovationsystems
- Sustainability transitions
- Degrowth
- Corporate Sustainability Management
- Digitalization and Sustainability
Scientific papers (peer-reviewed)
Froese, Tobias; Richter, Markus; Hofmann, F.; Lüdeke-Freund, Florian (2023): Degrowth-oriented organisational value creation: A systematic literature review of case studies. Ecological Economics, 207: 107765. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2023.107765
Piétron, Dominik; Staab, Philipp & Hofmann, Florian (2023): Digital circular ecosystems: A data governance approach. Gaia - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, Volume 32, https://doi.org/10.14512/gaia.32.S1.7
Hofmann, Florian (2022): Circular Economy and economic (de-)growth? Let's shift the baselines! Resources, Conservation, and Recycling 2022, 187, 106604. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2022.106604
Hofmann, Florian &zu Knyphausen-Aufseß, Dodo(2022): Circular business model experimentation capabilities – A case study approach. Business Strategy and the Envrionment 2022, 31, 5: 2469-2488. https://doi.org/10.1002/bse.3038
Jaeger-Erben, Melanie; Jensen, Charlotte; Hofmann, Florian & Zwiers, Jakob (2021): There is no sustainable circular economy without a circular society. Resources Conservation and Recycling 168(2): 105476. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2021.105476
Hofmann, Florian & Jaeger-Erben (2020): Organizational transition management of circular business model innovations. Business Strategy and The Environment 2020; 29: 2770-2788. https://doi.org/10.1002/bse.2542
Zwiers, Jakob; Jaeger-Erben, Melanie & Hofmann, Florian (2020): Circular Literacy - A knowledge-based approach to the Circular Economy. Journal Culture and Organization. https://doi.org/10.1080/14759551.2019.1709065
Hofmann, Florian (2019): Circular business models: Business approach as driver or obstructer of sustainability transitions? Journal of Cleaner Production 224 (2019), 361 – 374. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.03.115
Book chapters (peer-reviewed)
Hofmann, Florian (2022): Zirkuläre Geschäftsmodelle sind immer nachhaltig! In: Mythen der Circular Economy (Hrsg. Böckel, A., Böhm, J., Quaing, J., Weissbrod, I.): S. 21-25. https://doi.org/10.25368/2022.163
Jaeger-Erben, Melanie & Hofmann, Florian (2022): Von der linearen zur zirkulären Wertschöpfung - Circular Economy als Re-Konfiguration kapitalistischer Naturverhältnisse? In: Nachhaltig Werte schaffen? (Hrsg. Barth, T., Lorenz, S., Jaeger-Erben, M., Jochum, G.).
Hofmann, Florian; Zwiers, Jakob & Jaeger-Erben, Melanie (2019): Umsetzungsarchitektur einer digital-emanzipatorischen Circular Economy. In: Was Bits und Bäume verbindet. Digitalisierung nachhaltig gestalten. München: oekom Verlag, 116 – 117. https://www.oekom.de/buch/was-bits-und-baeume-verbindet-9783962381493
Hofmann, Florian (2019): A story from the future – Business model de-sign for a solidarity-based circular economy. In: dispose, reuse, recycle – three industrial design semesters projects dedicated to sustainability, Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle, 109 – 112.
Hofmann, Florian; Zwiers, Jakob; Jaeger-Erben, Melanie & Marwede, Max (2018): Circular Economy als Gegenstand sozial-ökologischer Transformation? In: Jahrbuch für nachhaltige Ökonomie 2018|2019. Brennpunkt: Die Zukunft des nachhaltigen Wirtschaftens. Marburg: Metropolis Verlag. 215 – 228. https://www.metropolis-verlag.de/Jahrbuch-Nachhaltige-Oekonomie-2018--19/1339/book.do
Policy papers & magazines
Piétron, Dominik; Staab, Philipp & Hofmann, Florian (2022): Daten für die Circular Economy - Wie zirkuläre Daten-Governance nachhaltiges Wirtschaften ermöglicht. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. FES impuls #1. https://library.fes.de/pdf-files/a-p-b/19831.pdf
Piétron, Dominik; Staab, Philipp & Hofmann, F. (2022): Sustainable digital market design: a data-based approach to the Circular Economy. Einstein Center for Digital Futures, Working Paper Series #001, Policy Paper for the D4S-Network. https://doi.org/10.14279/depositonce-15014
Hofmann, Florian (2022): Donut-Ökonomie – ein Kompass für zukunftsfähiges Wirtschaften? Teach Economy - Digitale Plattform für wirtschaftliche Bildung. https://www.teacheconomy.de/aktuelles/donut-oekonomie/
Hofmann, Florian; Zwiers, Jakob & Jaeger-Erben, Melanie (2021): Zukünfte einer digitalen Circular Economy. IM+io Best & Next Practices aus Digitalisierung / Management / Wissenschaft. Heft 1 / März 2021. https://www.im-io.de/geschaeftsmodellkrise/zukuenfte-einer-digitalen-circular-economy/
Hansen et al. (Mitautorenschaft Hofmann, Florian) (2021): Circular Business Models: Overarching Barriers, Unleashing Potentials. Acatech und SystemIQ - Circular Economy Initiative Deutschland. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5b52037e4611a0606973bc79/t/61c1e7a3a32b9841b83de3bb/1640097716891/GM_Gesamtbericht+EN_DOI.pdf
Jaeger-Erben, Melanie & Hofmann, Florian (2019): Kreislaufwirtschaft – Ein Ausweg aus der sozial-ökologischen Krise? Schriftenreihe Nachhaltigkeit: Eine Veröffentlichung der Hessischen Landeszentrale für politische Bildung. https://hlz.hessen.de/fileadmin/user_upload/PDF/Publikationsreihen/Schriftenreihe_Nachhaltigkeit/HLZ-Broschuere_Nachhaltigkeit_Band_5_2019.pdf
Hofmann, Florian (2022): Circular Business Model – Theoretical Foundations, Notion of Sustainability, Organizational Transition Management, and Experimentation Capabilities. (Dissertation, Dr. rer. oec.) Technische Universität Berlin. https://doi.org/10.14279/depositonce-16025