Joining and welding technology Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Vesselin Michailov

[1]   Zhang, Wei, Evdokimov, Anton, Schleuß, Leander, Ossenbrink, Ralf, Michailov, Vesselin: Laser beam build-up welding of AlSi12-powder on AlSi1MgMn-alloy substrate, Progress in Additive Manufacturing, S. 117 – 129, 2019,

[2]   Brandl E, Michailov V, Viehweger B, Leyens C: Deposition of Ti-6Al-4V using laser and wire, part I: microstructural properties of single beads. Surf Coat Technol 206:1120–1129, 2011,

[3]   Brandl E, Michailov V, Viehweger B, Leyens C. Deposition of Ti-6Al-4V using laser and wire, part II: hardness and dimensions of single beads. Surf Coat Technol 206:1130–1141; 2011,

[4]   Brandl E, Palm E, Michailov V, Viehweger B, Leyens C: Mechanical properties of additive manufactured titanium (Ti-6Al-4V) blocks deposited by a solid-state laser and wire. Mater Des 32:4665–4675, 2011,

[5]   S. Fritzsche, A. Kloshek, E. Dietz, V. Michailov, R. Ossenbrink; SLM gefertigte Verbindungsknoten für Leichtbaurahmenelemente, DVS Report, Volume 344, 2018, p. 258 - 264

[6]   S. Ginzburg, J. Morozova, A. Kloshek, R. Ossenbrink, V. Michailov: Schweißen von Stahl mit Nanopartikel modifizierten Fülldrähten – Schweißnahtgefüge und -eigenschaften, DVS Report, Volume 344, 2018, p. 40 – 46

[7]   BMBF Verbundvorhaben: Modulares Leichtbau-Geräte-Containersystem (LGS); Photon Laser Engineering GmbH, KSC Kraftwerks-Service Cottbus Anlagenbau GmbH, TGM Lightweight Solutions GmbH