Technical mechanics and vehicle dynamics Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Hon. Prof. (NUST) Dieter Bestle
[1] Bestle, D.: Analyse und Optimierung von Mehrkörpersystemen - Grundlagen und rechnergestützte Methoden. Berlin: Springer, 1994
[2] Extra, S.; Hendler, M.; Bestle, D.; Flassig, P.: Verbesserte Vorauslegung des Kerntriebwerks mithilfe eines kaskadierten Optimierungsprozesses. Tagungsband Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, Darmstadt, DLRK2018-480163, 2018
[3] Keskin, A.; Bestle, D.: Application of Multi-objective Optimization to Axial Compressor Preliminary Design. Aerospace Science and Technology 10 (2006) 581-589
[4] Angersbach, A.; Bestle, D.: Automated Combustor Preliminary Design Using Tools of Different Fidelity. Proc. of ASME Turbo EXPO 2013, Copenhagen, 2013, GT2013-94411
[5] Amtsfeld, P.; Lockan, M.; Bestle, D.; Meyer, M.: Accelerated 3D Aerodynamic Optimization of Gas Turbine Blades. Proc. of ASME Turbo EXPO, Düsseldorf, 2014, GT2014-25618
[6] Bestle, D.; Flassig, P.M.; Dutta, A.K.: Robust Design of Compressor Blades in the Presence of Manufacturing Noise. In: M. Sen, G. Bois, M. Manna, T. Arts (Eds.): Proc. of 9th European Conf. on Turbomachinery, Istanbul, 2011, pp. 1303-1314.
[7] Lockan, M.; Bestle, D.: A Concept for Collaborative Design and Distributed Optimisation. Proc. of 5th IC-SCCE Int. Conf. entitled From Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering, Athen, 2012