Vehicle supply The T-cell transformer can supply vehicles with synthetically produced hydrogen.
As a hydrogen transformer, the T-cell can produce and recover synthetic hydrogen as well as supplying power to electric vehicles. The volume of hydrogen produced here is variable, depending on demand, and can be increased by temporarily restricting the power generation for recovery. Additional green gas is converted almost entirely into hydrogen and, with its outstanding performance, ranks alongside the electrical efficiency of over 65% and the overall hybrid energy converter efficiency of over 95%.
Building supply The T-cell provides decentralised electricity and heat for surrounding buildings.
Power is generated by combining a turbo engine with the innovative high-temperature fuel cell technology. The proportion of fuel energy that the fuel cell does not convert into electricity is available to the turbo engine as heat for further power generation. Additional electricity is therefore produced and the hybrid system permanently achieves electrical efficiency over 65%. Remaining heat is fed into surrounding buildings to meet the heating demand.