Numerical fluid and gas dynamics Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heiko Schmidt
[1] J. A. Medina M., M. Klein, H. Schmidt (2019). One-Dimensional Turbulence investigation of variable density effects due to heat transfer in a low Mach number internal air flow, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, (accepted)
[2] M. Fragner, H. Schmidt (2017). Investigating Asymptotic Suction Boundary Layers using a One-Dimensional Stochastic Turbulence Model, Journal of Turbulence, 18, 899-928
[3] Z. Jozefik, A. R. Kerstein, H. Schmidt (2016). Simulation of shock–turbulence interaction in non-reactive flow and in turbulent deflagration and detonation regimes using one-dimensional turbulence, Combustion and Flame, 164, 53-67
[4] T. Starick, D. O. Lignell, H. Schmidt (2019). One-dimensional turbulence modelling of a lifted methane/air jet flame in a vitiated coflow, Proceedings of International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, Southampton, UK
[5] S. Sharma, E. Sarradj, H. Schmidt (2020). Stochastic modelling of leading-edge noise in time-domain using vortex particles, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 115656,
[6] M. Klein, C. Zenker, H. Schmidt (2019). Small-scale resolving simulations of the turbulent mixing in conned planar jets using one-dimensional turbulence, Chemical Engineering Science, 204, 186-202,
[7] Rakhi, M. Klein, J. A. Medina M., H. Schmidt (2019). One-dimensional turbulence modelling of incompressible temporally developing turbulent boundary layers with comparison to DNS, Journal of Turbulence, 20, 506-543,
[8] T. Starick, H. Schmidt (2019). Hierarchical Parcel Swapping: An efficient mixing model for turbulent reactive ows, Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 19, 1-2,
[9] T. Starick, J. A. Medina M., H. Schmidt (2019). One-Dimensional Turbulence simulations for reactive ows in open and closed systems, Technische Mechanik, 39, 162-174,
[10] C. Glawe, J. A. Medina M., H. Schmidt (2018). IMEX based Multi-Scale Time Advancement in ODTLES, Zeitschrift fr angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik,
[11] D. Lignell, V. B. Lansinger, J. Medina, M. Klein, A. R. Kerstein, H. Schmidt, M. Fistler, M. Oevermann (2018). One-dimensional turbulence modeling for cylindrical and spherical ows: model formulation and application, Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 32, 495-520,
[12] J. A. Medina M., H. Schmidt, F. Mauss, Z. Jozek (2018). Constant volume n-Heptane autoignition using One-Dimensional Turbulence, Combustion and Flame, 190, 388-401,
[13] A. Movaghar, M. Linne, M. Oevermann, F. Meiselbach, H. Schmidt, A .R. Kerstein (2017). Numerical investigation of turbulent-jet primary breakup using One-Dimensional Turbulence, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 89, 241254,
[14] Z. Jozefik, A. R. Kerstein, H. Schmidt (2016). Simulation of shockturbulence interaction in non-reactive flow and in turbulent deflagration and detonation regimes using one-dimensional turbulence, Combustion and Flame, 164, 53-67,