Fraunhofer IKTS With decades of experience, Fraunhofer IKTS is one of the world's leading contacts in high-temperature fuel cell development (solid oxide fuel cell, SOFC).
The competences of the institution extend over the entire value added chain, from powder to system development. In demonstrator systems, power generation with SOFC fuel cells displays a high level of electrical efficiency, which can be further increased by linking with a gas turbine. SOFC stacks of type MK35x with chrome-based interconnectors and electrolyte-based cells have been developed by Fraunhofer IKTS over more than 15 years and are currently in the market launch phase, with focuses on: reducing manufacturing costs, extending service life, expanding usable fuel types and simple system integration.
The MK35x SOFC stacks stand out for their robustness and efficiency, meet all the necessary criteria for system use (degradation ΔP/P0 = 0.7% / 1000 h, > 20 000 h as well as 0.5% / 10 start-stop cycles) and are designed for use in the T-cell system. The linking of multiple stacks and operation under pressure are the new challenges in this project, which will be conquered by trained staff with outstanding infrastructure.
Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems (IKTS)
Dr.-Ing. Stefan Megel
+49 351 2553 7505
M. Sc. Christian Eckart
+49 351 2553 7997
Dipl.-Ing. Aniko Walther
+49 351 2553 7818