Understanding Each Other's Heritage - Challenges for Heritage Communication in a Globalized World
Zur Tagungs-Website: www.iawhp.com
Zur Publikations-Website: www.verlag-koester.de
The world is more interconnected than any time before. Technologies are changing and developing at lightning speed and international travel has become more accessible, affording more people the opportunity to learn about and experience new cultures. These changes present both challenges and opportunities to the field of heritage, in terms of education, interpretation, communication and tourism. Interpretation, done well, can enable a better understanding of other cultures and foster intercultural dialogue. Done poorly it can lead to misunderstanding, cultural stereotyping and prejudice.
World Heritage sites (WHS) have become magnets to foreign visitors. Increasing numbers of tourists, coming from diverse backgrounds, augment the pressure on WHS managers to develop appropriate interpretation strategies. Despite the acknowledged importance of interpretation in communicating and, therefore, also in conserving heritage and in fostering intercultural dialogue, physical conservation concerns often dominate, to the detriment of communication and interpretation for local stakeholders and tourists.
For this reason, the Cottbus Symposium and Workshops aim to explore opportunities, methods and strategies to increase intercultural dialogue through interpretation as well as to offer practically-oriented workshops to encourage taking advantage of developing opportunities and implementing best-practice methods and strategies in heritage interpretation. The three sessions developed for the Symposium and Workshops cover a wide spectrum of heritage interpretation and communication issues: from public relations, advertising and marketing to accessibility and representation, and to the implementation and use of new technologies.
Session 1: Advertising and Edutainment - managing expectations and reality
Marie-Theres Albert (Germany)
Keynote: How do Globalization and Cultural Diversity affect Heritage Interpretation
Gerhard Ermischer (Austria/ Germany)
Telling the Story – Understanding the Landscape and Identity Building. A case study from the Spessart
Jana Richter (Germany)
The Heritage of Social Housing as a Tourist Attraction/ Destination? Elements of a Visitors Guidance System to the World Heritage Housing Estates of Berlin Modernism
Xenia Panfilova (Russia)
Architectural Installations as the sources of information and reminders
Session 2: Heritage (mis)interpretation - challenges and opportunities for interpretation for diverse audiences
Patrick Lehnes (Germany)
Keynote: Heritage Interpretation – Helping visitors to make sense of a site
Kristin Doern (UK)
The City of Bath World Heritage Site: Interpretation challenges, strategies and opportunities
Eva Battis (Germany / Bahrain)
Architectural conservation as a means for site interpretation and presentation - Recent architectural and urban projects in Bahrain
Alexandra Skedzuhn (Germany)
Workshop: The World Heritage Site Museum Island in Berlin: A Study Case of its Conservation and Access
Susanne Raymond (USA)
Workshop: Representation and Control:
Native Americans in Museums Past, Present and Future
Lee Davidson (New Zealand)
Workshop: Intercultural dialogue and the touring exhibition: A case study of a Maori exhibition in the northern hemisphere
Heidi Pinkepank (Germany) Karoline Hettchen (Poland)
Workshop: Participation and Industrial Culture in Comparison. Civic Engagement and Industrial Heritage in the German-Polish Border Region
Koosje Spitz (Netherlands)
Workshop: “Shared heritage” in an intercultural and politically sensitive context; an example of best practice - the Robben Island Field School
Maria Angelica da Silva Taciana Santiago de Melo Louise, Maria Martins Cequeira (Brazil)
Workshop: Experience as a guide: proposals for the reuse of Franciscan convents in Northeast Brazil
Stephen Dicks (Canada)
Workshop: Understanding visitors, understanding ourselves; an experience-based approach to heritage protection and education
Aziliz Vandesande (Belgium)Ona Vileikis (Colombia/ Lithuania) Mario Santana Quintero (Venezuela/ Belgium)
Workshop: A value mapping tool for interpreting World Heritage sites
Iryna Shalaginova (Ukraine / Germany)
Workshop: What is peristyl? - Or how to communicate effectively with foreign visitors?
Michael H. Glen (UK)
Workshop: Making words work for you – writing good interpretive text
Session 3: There’s an app for that - World Heritage sites and new media
Mario Santana Quintero (Venezuela / Belgium)
Keynote: Globalizing heritage: challenges in digitizing cultural resource
Nina Hinrichs (Germany)
The World Natural Heritage “Wadden Sea” on the internet:
Social media, databases and virtual museums
Flavia Campos Cerullo (Brazil)
From paper sheets to digital screens: urban design heritage manipulation experiences
Katharina Schillinger (Germany)
Workshop: Sensing the past - Media-related strategy for the former GDR penal institution in Cottbus
Katharina Sandberg (Germany)
Workshop: New voices for World Heritage: The (re-)presentation and interpretation of World Heritage sites in audio podcasts
Marc Wohlrabe (Germany)
Workshop: “Liquid Feedback”, “Crowdsourcing” and “Heritage Wikis” – The Future of Digital Participation
Stefanie Harnisch; Elke Kollar (Germany)
Workshop: Weimarpedia - New Approaches of Cultural Education in the World Heritage Classic Weimar
Die Tagung wurde vom Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst finanziert.