World Heritage Theory, Policy and Practice 12. - 14. April 2017 an der BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg
The proceedings of the international conference “World Heritage Theory, Policy and Practice” can be downloaded for free you find below.
Of the many barriers to effective protection, conservation, and presentation of the world’s heritage, one of the most significant challenges is how to reconcile theoretical approaches, policies that govern decision makers, and the ability of front line practitioners to deliver and act on the theory and policy in a practical and realistic way. Too often, these three realities remain isolated in different institutions, with actors whose paths rarely cross.
While academics’ work is often theoretical in nature, government officials and other institutional policy makers struggle to reconcile competing financial, social, cultural and political realities to develop legislation and guidelines that reflect the innovations of the academics in a way that is actionable in a practical sense. As a third actor, people in the fields of interpretation and conservation are the ones holding the knowledge that shape cultural identity and work tirelessly on the front lines of the heritage world to ensure that heritage will remain. They are too often disconnected from the policy makers and from the academics.
World Heritage Theory, Policy and Practice is a forum meant to bridge these gaps, bringing together actors from each realm of the heritage world in meaningful dialogue so each can better understand the challenges and barriers faced by the others. By doing this, opportunities to connect these world will be identified and positive change can take place.
Session 1: Challenges and opportunities for implementing the World Heritage Convention
Bartomeu Deyà (Spain)
Keynote: Cultural Landscape Serra de Tramuntana – Mallorca, a Stakeholder Commitment
Dagnija Baltiņa (Latvia)
Pursuit towards the World Heritage Status: a case study of Latvia
Ana Aleksova (Macedonia) and Marcelo Miranda (Portugal)
Towards People-Centered Approaches in the Management of the Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Ohrid Region World Heritage Site
Nadja Kurtovic (Serbia) and Folic Natasa Zivaljevic Luxor (Serbia)
The Relationship of Theory and Practical Approach to the World Heritage in Serbia – between Disagreement and Profusion
Nicole Franceschini (Italy)
World Heritage Convention: a vision for the future
Session 2: Middle Eastern Heritage: Threats and Opportunities
Leo Schmidt (Germany)
Keynote: Cultural Heritage in the MENA Region: Challenges and Responses
Miray Hasaltun Wosinski (Bahrain)
Influence of World Heritage Status on the Decision Making and Project Implementation
Dr. Mohammad El-Khalili (Jordan) and Nizar Al Adarbeh (Jordan)
World Heritage Nomination Challenges of Jarash Archaeological Site in Jordan: A Case Study of a Preservation and Rehabilitation Remedy Action at Artemis Temple Complex
Nizar Al Adarbeh (Jordan) and Majed Hasanat (Jordan)
Challenges and Opportunities in Integrated Natural and Cultural Heritage Management at World Heritage Sites in Jordan: Cases of Petra and Wadi Rum World Heritage Sites
Session 3: New Heritage Data: collecting and storage
Mario Santana Quintero (Canada)
Digital Information in protecting UNESCO World Heritage: challenges and opportunities
Ona Vileikis (Belgium) and Eduardo Escalante Carrillo (Mexico)
Systematic Data Collectioon as a Preventive Measure for the Protection of Sites along the Silk Roads. The Case Study of Chor Bakr
Gayathri Hegde (Germany)
Documenting Indian Vernacular Architecture
Gerco Meijer (Netherlands)
The Heritage Development Model® (HDM), benefits and future development
Session 4: World Heritage Education
Yanet Lezama-López (Mexico)
Keynote: Heritage Interpretation as the Axis of Meaningful Dissemination: Queretaro's Historic Centre, World Heritage
Mona Ahmed Sobee (Egypt)
The role of interpretation and education to enhance visitor behavior for the conservation of heritage sites
Viachaslau Filimonau (UK)
The role of ‘gamification’ and ‘edutainment’ in the revitalization of world heritage tourist attractions in the UK: a case study of Bath
William X Wei (Canada)
Interpreting Albertan World Heritage Natural Sites to Millennials Tourists from China: Opportunities and Challenges
Manana Tevzadze (Georgia)
Development of World Heritage education in secondary education in Georgia
Anna Dontcova (Germany)
Volunteering at UNESCO World Heritage sites as a tool for civic engagement and informal learning. Case study of the World Heritage site of the Palaces and Parks in Potsdam and Berlin
Die Tagung wurde vom Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienst finanziert.