Publikationen 1996
König, H.; Krumm, H.: Implementierung von Kommunikationsprotokollen.
Informatik Spektrum 19 (1996) 6, 316 - 325.
Guerrouat, A.; König, H.: Automation of Test Case Derivation and Test Verdict Assignment in Respect to Test Purposes.
in Baumgarten, B.; Burkhardt, H.-J.; Giessler, A. (eds.): Testing of Communicating Systems. Chapman & Hall, 1996, 207 - 222.
Sobirey, M.; Richter, B.; König, H.: The Intrusion Detection System AID - Architecture, and Experiences in Automated Audit Analysis.
in Horster, P. (ed.): Communications and Multimedia Security II. Chapman & Hall, 1996, 278 - 290.
Richter, B.; Sobirey, M.; König, H.: Auditbasierte Netzüberwachung.
in PIK 1/96, 24 - 32.
Gotzhein, R.; Bredereke, J.; Effelsberg, W.; Fischer, S.; Held, Th.;Koenig, H.: Improving the Efficiency of Automated Protocol Implementation using Estelle.
Computer Communications 19 (1996) 1226 - 1235.