Online Workshop: Bold, Passionate and Mindful – Time- and Self-Management for PhD Researchers (EN)

Kursbereich 3: »Wissenschaftliche Methoden«

Target Group

PhD Students of all research areas


Careful planning is the prerequisite for creative, passionate and mindful researching. This interdisciplinary workshop familiarises you with methods of time- and self-management and introduces strategies to draw up a realistic and detailed plan for your project, while also taking care of your resources and your work-life balance.

In Part I, »Ready, Set, Go! Planning Your Dissertation«, you will learn how to divide your project into feasable stages, create a framework for your academic exploits and form an alliance with your colleagues and superiors. In the course of our sessions, you will create a workplan to guide you through the years ahead. It will not only contain an overview of the various chapters of your thesis, but also provide you with detailed time mananagent, including important milestones, due dates for chapters and meetings with your supervisors, short- and medium-term achievements, and advertising your research via networks.

Part II, »Keep Your Balance«, introduces you to self-management, and teaches cognitive and practical skills that support your health and productivity. Stress is a major topic, so we will look at how stressful events and experiences can be managed in pragmatic and interactive units (What causes stress for you? How do you experience stress?). We will also take a special look at energy and resource management to maintain balance and coherence in the face of academic demands and adversities (What gives me energy? What robs me of energy?). Throughout, we will focus on practical exercises (mindfulness, resilience, relaxation), establish new working routines and learn how to include breaks in everyday life and during holidays. The responsible and mindful use of your resources and energy prevents procrastination and burnout.


Dr. Maik Goth teaches workshops on academic English, research management and communication skills. His seminars are based on his extensive experience as an international scholar, academic author, editor, peer-reviewer and university lecturer, and are tailored to the personal needs and professional demands of young researchers. The second edition of his monograph Monsters and the Poetic Imagination in "The Faerie Queene" was published in May 2019 by Manchester University Press.


  • 15 October 2024, 09:00 – 13:00 h
  • 16 October 2024, 09:00 – 13:00 h
  • 23 October 2024, 09:00 – 13:00 h
  • 23 October 2024, 09:00 – 13:00 h


Please register via the »Graduates Virtual Campus«:

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Robert Rode
ZE Graduate Research School (GRS)
T +49 (0) 355 69-3479