Diplom-Landschaftsökologin Johanna Götter
institutional economics, anthropology, social and institutional change, rural development, Madagascar
- J.F. Goetter (2017): Development, Informal Institutions and Agency Analyzed through the Lens of New Institutional Anthropology: A Modification of Ensminger’s Framework on Institutional Change. Journal of Contextual Economics (137)(1-2): 69-92
(Link) - Book chapter in: Liniger, Mekdaschi Studer, Moll & Zander (2017). Making sense of research for sustainable land management. Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern, Switzerland and Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research GmbH – UFZ, Leipzig, Germany (Link)
- J.F. Goetter & Neudert R. (2016): New rules are not rules: Privatization of pastoral commons and local attempts at curtailment in southwest Madagascar, International Journal of the Commons 10(2):617–641. DOI: 10.18352/ijc.743 (Link)
- J.F. Goetter (2016): The cattle raiders leave us no choice: New transhumance in the Mahafaly Plateau region in Madagascar, Madagascar Conservation & Development 11(1):12–22. DOI:10.4314/mcd.v11i1.3 (http://journalmcd.com/index.php/mcd/article/view/mcd.v11i1.3/482Linkhttp://journalmcd.com/index.php/mcd/article/view/mcd.v11i1.3/482)
- R. Neudert, Goetter, J.F., Andriamparany, J.N., Rakotoarisoa, M. (2015): Income diversification, wealth, education and well-being in rural south-western Madagascar: Results from the Mahafaly region. Development Southern Africa, 32(6):758-784. DOI: 10.1080/0376835X. 2015.1063982 (Link)
- Presentation: "Dynamics of mourning celebrations in Southwest Madagascar in times of impoverishment and market integration" at the 15th EASA Biennial Conference “Staying, Moving, Settling”, Stockholm (Sweden), 14-17 August 2018.
- Presentation: "Informal institutions and development through the lens of New Institutional Anthropology – an illustration from rural Madagascar " at the 3rd Witten Conference on Institutional Change ”Institutions in Development Research: New Buzzword or Real Impact?”, University Witten/Herdecke, 1.-2.12.2016.
- Presentation: “Cattle, kinship, and ceremonial boasting – Dynamics of funerary gift-giving among the Mahafaly“, at the conference „Madagascar Workshop 2016“ (27.-30.May), Avignon (France)
- Poster presentation(Goetter et al.): "Drivers of overuse and degradation of the important fodder tree Euphorbia stenoclada in southwest Madagascar and approaches for mitigation", 7.3. 2016 at the Conference "Sustainable Land Management: Challenges & Opportunities Final Conference 2016", Berlin.
- Poster presentation(Goetter et al.): "Degradation of the succulent fodder tree Euphorbia stenoclada in southwest Madagascar and approaches for improved management", 17.09.2015 at the Tropentag 2015, Berlin.
- Presentation:"From open access to a regime of mixed common- and private property: Indigenous appropriation and regulation of the fodder tree Euphorbia stenoclada in southwest Madagascar", 29.05.2015 at the 15th Biennial Global Conference der International Association for the Study of the Commons, Edmonton (Kanada).
- Presentation:"Struggling for Regulating the Appropriation of Local Commons: The Case of Fodder-Trees at the Tanalana-People in Southwestern Madagascar", at the IASC 3rd European Meeting "From generation to generation - the use of commons in a changing society", Umeå (Sweden), 16-19 September 2014.
- Presentation: „Haushaltsentscheidungen bezüglich Viehhaltung unter sich verändernden ökologischen und sozialen Bedingungen in der Mahafaly-Plateau-Region, Madagaskar“, at the LAMA-Statusconference, Berlin, 18.4.2013
Since July 2011 Johanna worked as research assistant at the chair of environmental economics at the BTU Cottbus in the research project SULAMA: Participatory research to support sustainable land management on the Mahafaly Plateau in south-western Madagascar.
After finishing her studies, she worked as a junior consultant (trainee) at the German Technical Cooperation (GTZ, now GIZ). Her work in Bolivia and Peru dealt with issues of rural development and adaptation to climate change.
Johanna Goetter studied Landscape Ecology and Nature Conservation at the University of Greifswald (Germany) with landscape economy and environmental ethics as her majors. Her diploma thesis focused on a comparison of strength and weaknesses of the collective vs. individual management of Swiss summer farms (alps) in the canton of Grisons and was embedded in the project AlpFUTUR at the research group for environmental and resource economics of the Federal Institute for Research WSL (Birmensdorf/Switzerland). As a student she gained practical experience at the Heinrich-Boell-Foundation in Mexico-City supporting the project EcoFair Trade Dialogue. Slow trade - sound farming.