Dr. Lutz Philip Hecker

T +49 (0) 355 69 2774

Field of Research

Econometric analysis of wastewater treatment and water supply regimes in developing and emerging countries, with focus on developing and emerging countries, Cost-effectiveness analyses of environmental protection and climate adaptation measures.

Curriculum Vitae

Researcher at the Chair of Environmental Economics, at the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg

PhD Fellow of the Chair of Environmental Economics, BTU-Cottbus

  • Economics
  • (Advanced) Environmental Economics
  • Cost Benefit Analysis in Environmental Evaluation
  • Economics of Land and Biodiversity Conservation Management
  • Umweltökonomie, Ökonomik der Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung
  • Business Administration

Selection of publications (more information at ResearchGate):

  • Hecker, L.P., Sturm, A., Querhammer, L., Wätzold, F. (2024): Cost-effectiveness of state-dependent versus state-independent agri-environment schemes for biodiversity conservation, Ecological Economics 127, 108088. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2023.108088
  • Lutz Philip Hecker, Frank Wätzold et al. (2022): „Squeeze it or leave it? An ecological‑economic assessment of the impact of mower conditioners on arthropod populations in grassland“, Journal of Insect Conservation (Link)
  • Kati Kraehnert, Daniel Osberghaus, Christian Hott, Lemlem Teklegiorgis Habtemariam, Frank Wätzold, Lutz Philip Hecker and Svenja Fluhrer (2021): "Insurance Against Extreme Weather Events: An Overview", Review of Economics 72(2): 71–95 (Link)
  • Regina Neudert, Lutz Philip Hecker, Henintsoa Randrianarison & Susanne Kobbe (2020): Are smallholders disadvantaged by ‘double sell low, buy high’ dynamics on rural markets in Madagascar? Development Southern Africa. (Link)
  • Hecker, L. P., Wätzold, F., & Markwardt, G. (2020). Spotlight on Spatial Spillovers: An Econometric Analysis of Wastewater Treatment in Mexican Municipalities. Ecological Economics, 175, 106693. (Link)


  • "What does it take to treat municipal wastewater in developing countries? An econometric analysis of Mexican municipalities" (Link)
  • Conference Presentation at the ECCB 2022 in Prag: "Cost-effectiveness of state-dependent versus state-independent agri-environment schemes for biodiversity conservation"
  • Presentation “Economic analysis of drivers of wastewater treatment in emerging countries” in Special Session 2 - The 6th IEEE Symposium on Analytics and Risk. 6. July, 2021, Beijing. (Link)
  • Conference Presentation:"Assessing cost-effectiveness advantages of state-dependent agri-environment schemes", presented at the 26th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE 2021). June 23-25, 2021.
  • Workshop "Insektenverluste durch den Einsatz von Konditionierern bei der Behandlung von Mähgut", 1.12.2020, at the Alfred Toepfer Akademie für Naturschutz, organized by the project Insektgut / Dr. Lutz Philip Hecker.
  • Thematic Session at EAERE 2020: Kati Krähnert (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research), Frank Wätzold and Lutz P. Hecker organized the session "Economics of climate change adaptation from a household perspective in developing countries"
  • Conference presentation by Lutz Philip Hecker: Spotlight on Spatial Environmental Policy Spillovers: An Econometric Analysis of Wastewater Treatment in Mexican Municipalities, EARERE 2019, 26.-29.6, Manchaster, UK.
  • Presentation by Lutz Philip Hecker: "Spotlight on spatial environmental policy spillovers: An econometric analysis of wastewater treatment in Mexican municipalities" at the Sustainability & Development Conference 2018 in Ann Arbor, USA, 09.-11. November 2018 (Link).
  • Presentation by Lutz Philip Hecker: "Open  research  questions in Economics  and  governance  of multifunctional  landscapes" at Workshop Future Landscapes - Integrated landscapes to promote ecosystem services and sustainable land-uses in agriculture, forestry and natural ecosystems in Southern Africa, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 23-28 September 2018.
  • Presentation of Lutz Philip Hecker on 4.5.2017: "What does it take to treat municipal wastewater in developing countries - An econometric analysis of Mexican municipalities" at INRA – AgroParisTech, Laboratoire d’Economie Forestière in Nancy, Frankreich
  • Key Note Speech by Lutz-Philip Hecker on "Análisis económico en la administración ambiental" at the conference "Primer Simposio de Administración Ambiental" at the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Preira, Colombia at 27th October 2016.