Fit4Future Summer School 2024: “Powering tomorrow: Doing research for a sustainable energy transition”

Fit4Future Summer School 2024: “Powering tomorrow: Doing research for a sustainable energy transition”

The Fit4Future Summer School 2024 will be a dynamic learning environment where postgraduate excellence meets the challenges of tomorrow. Our thematic focus for this edition is the critical analyis of transitions to sustainable and clean energy. Against the backdrop of the escalating challenges of climate change, this focus on sustainable energy solutions is more important than ever.

Throughout the programme, participants will engage with the various aspects of sustainable energy, explore the role of different transformation paradigms for the energy transition and assess the transformative power of renewable energy transition pathways in an interdisciplinary setting. Our renowned international experts will provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the latest developments through lectures, workshops and field trips, creating a dynamic learning environment that encourages critical thinking and collaborative problem-solving.

Join us in 2024 for an exciting journey into the future of sustainable energy, where knowledge, ideas and solutions come together to shape a cleaner and more resilient world.


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  • Online sessions
 Friday, May 24,  15:00 – 17:00 (CET)Friday, June 7,  15:00 – 18:00 (CET)Friday, July 5 15:00 – 18:000 (CET)
TopicKick-off Challenges of just energy transitions  Energy transition, democratisation and (de)growthPolicies for Decarbonisation and Energy Transitions – The case of Lusatia
Lecturer Prof. Dr. Melanie Jaeger-Erben, BTU CottbusDr. Jörg Radtke, RIFS PotsdamProf. Dr. Bernd Hirschl, BTU Cottbus & IÖW Berlin
Literature to be prepared for the session:  Wang, X.; Lo, K. (2021): Just transition: A conceptual review. Energy Research & Social Science 82, 102291, J,; Radtke, J.; von Jorck, G.; Mey, F.; Yildi, Ö. (2018): Community renewable energy at a crossroads: A think piece on degrowth, technology, and the democratization of the German energy system, Journal of Cleaner Production 197 (2), 1746-1753,  MLUK 2024: Klimaplan Brandenburg (Climate Plan for Brandenburg) English version can be downloaded here
  • Onsite sessions in Cottbus, Germany: 9-11 September, covering the following topics:
    • Transformation Conflicts and Pathways in Energy Transition
    • Evolving Energy Landscapes: Navigating Transitions and Regional Policies
    • Participation and Transdisciplinarity for a Just Energy Transition
  • Onsite sessions in Poznan, Poland: 12-13 September, covering the following topic:
    • Social-Technical Dimension of Energy Transition in the Building Sector
  • Optional Writing Retreat at Haus des Wandels e.V. Steinhöfel/ Germany: 14-15 September

Target participants

  • PhD students
  • Advanced master or bachelor students interested in Transformation/ Energy Transition Studies
  • Researchers and teaching assistants
  • Professionals working in the field of energy transition

Programme includes:

  • Two days visit to Poznan with workshops at Adam Mickiewicz University and the Poznan University of Technology.
  • A field trip to a coal mine in Lusatia
  • An opportunity to join a writing retreat at Haus des Wandels e.V. in Steinhöfel with further excursion options


No participation fee will be charged. Participants are responsible for their own accommodation and transport costs. Scholarships will be available for those in need. Please contact rabiu(at) for further information.


For application, please register via this LINK

Contact: Prof. Dr. Melanie Jaeger-Erben, melanie.jaeger-erben(at)