Lehre am Fachgebiet Technik- und Umweltsoziologie

Das Fachgebiet Technik- und Umweltsoziologie bietet Lehre in den Studiengängen Digitale Gesellschaft, Kultur und Technik, Environmental and Resource Management sowie im Bereich des Fächerübergreifenden Studiums an.

Für eine Anleitung und Themenliste in Bezug auf Studienprojekte, Bachelor- oder Master-Arbeiten bitte hier klicken

Folgende Veranstaltungen werden im Wintersemester 2022/23 angeboten:

Folgende Veranstaltungen werden im Sommersemester 2022 angeboten:

Vorlesung Digitalisation and Sustainability: Evolution, trends and Future Scenarios (510502)


  • 1-Gruppe
    • Mi 13:45 - 15:15, A/B Woche, 10.04.2024 bis 17.07.2024, Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude / SR 3
  • Mi 13:45 - 14:30, Einzel, am 24.07.2024, Lehrgebäude 1A / 304, Prüfung


  • Kultur und Technik Bachelor / Prüfungsordnung 2008
  • Environmental and Resource Management PhD / Prüfungsordnung 2017
  • Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Bachelor / Prüfungsordnung 2019
  • fachübergreifend
  • Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen / Prüfungsordnung 2023


Digitalization as well as sustainability are so-called mega-trends the 21st century. Digital technologies are increasingly integrated in society and economy.  This process both poses environmental and social challenges, such as climate change or social injustice, as well as the potential to accelerate sustainable transition. An effective transition to renewable decentralized energy supplies for instance will only succeed with digital and connected devices. However, digitalization is not per definition sustainable. It also has many negative impacts on the environment and society. For example, electronic devices require scarce non-renewable natural resources, and data processing uses vast amounts of energy. The reserves of the elements needed for digitalization are depleting, while the volume of electronic waste is rapidly growing every year. How can digitalization support sustainable transition without causing more harm than good? Is a green digitalization possible? In the module, we cover the risks and potentials in of digital innovations in various sectors such as energy systems, mobility, agriculture o education.
The module contains following topics:

  • Block 1: Introduction to digitalization and its relations to sustainability and social-ecological transformation
  • Block 2: Current effects of digitalization in various sectors (data protection, environmental impacts, effects on democracy, digital divide and social injustice)
  • Block 3: Transformation paths for a socio-ecological digitalization (sufficiency in digitalization, open source, open governance, Circular Economy and more)
  • Excursion: Visiting sites of digital innovation in Berlin, e.g., Futurium

The module is organized in lectures and seminars:

  • 510510 Lectures on Fridays, 12th May, 9th June, 30th June, from 9:30 - 13:00 and 14:15 - 17:30: presentations from lecturers and invited experts, interactive discussions
  • 510511 Seminars on Saturdays 13th May, 10th June, 1st July, from 9:30 - 13:00 and 14:15 - 17:30: group work, interactive presentations and discussions
  • Excursion in Berlin: 17th of June from 9:30 - 13:00 and 14:15 - 17:30

Please save these dates because some assessments will require your attendance.
Examinations (Continuous assessments):
For the lecture (510510): written exam on the 1st of July
For the seminars (510511): Group presentation and three exercises taking place during the three block seminars (Deadline for handing in: 23th of July 2023)


  • Laura Beyeler
  • Prof. Dr. phil. Melanie Jaeger-Erben




Sustainability and Digitalisation (13659)

510502 in HIS

Übung Research and methods of a Sociology of Sustainability (510503)


  • Mi 13:45 - 17:00, B Woche, 24.04.2024 bis 17.07.2024, Forschungszentrum 3H / 1.04, ACHTUNG: -> Raumänderung am 3.7.2024
  • Mi 13:45 - 17:00, Einzel, am 26.06.2024, Lehrgebäude 2C / 317
  • Mi 13:45 - 17:00, Einzel, am 03.07.2024, Laborgebäude 4B / B3.18


  • Kultur und Technik Master / Prüfungsordnung 2017
  • Environmental and Resource Management Master EE / Prüfungsordnung 2021
  • Environmental and Resource Management Master EPL / Prüfungsordnung 2021
  • Environmental and Resource Management Master ESC / Prüfungsordnung 2021


Socio-ecological transformation is an umbrella term for various political, socio-economic, socio-technical and cultural changes with the aim of responding appropriately to the socio-ecological crisis. This includes large-scale political programs such as the Green New Deal or the Sustainable Development Goals as well as economic-technical strategies for changing unsustainable production and consumption systems such as the circular economy or green growth, but also social movements and sustainability-oriented social innovations. On the one hand, the module deals with theoretical and methodological approaches to understanding transformation processes from a sociological perspective. On the other hand, different case studies on transformation processes in socio-ecological systems will be prepared using the example of land and resource use.


Dr. Stefanie Gerold




Sociology of Sustainable Development (13705)

510503 in HIS

Seminar Theories of Social-Ecological Transformation (510504)


Mo 15:30 - 17:00, A/B Woche, 08.04.2024 bis 15.07.2024, Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude / HS A


Environmental and Resource Management PhD / Prüfungsordnung 2017


Sustainable development promises to meet human needs of present and future generations while maintaining the integrity and stability of natural systems. However, this concept has been criticised on various grounds. Some argue that more fundamental changes are required to solve the multiple, accelerating crises of our times. Under the umbrella term ‘socio-ecological transformation’, scholars discuss various political, socio-economic, socio-technical and cultural changes aimed at responding appropriately to the socio-ecological crisis. This module critically engages with current sustainability debates from a sociological perspective, thereby exploring concepts such as Green Growth, Degrowth, Circular Economy or the Anthropocene. It explores the question how we can move to a society and economy in which human needs can be met within planetary boundaries.


Dr. Stefanie Gerold




Sociology of Sustainable Development (13705)

510504 in HIS

Seminar Digitalisation and Sustainability: Current Topics (510505)


  • Mi 15:30 - 16:00, Einzel, am 05.06.2024, Lehrgebäude 10 / 211a/b, Prüfung
  • Fr 09:30 - 17:30, Einzel, am 31.05.2024, Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude / SR 2
  • Fr 09:30 - 17:30, Einzel, am 19.04.2024, Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude / SR 2
  • Fr 09:30 - 17:30, Einzel, am 05.07.2024, Lehrgebäude 3B / 101
  • Fr 09:30 - 17:30, Einzel, am 21.06.2024, Lehrgebäude 3B / 101


  • Kultur und Technik Bachelor / Prüfungsordnung 2008
  • Environmental and Resource Management PhD / Prüfungsordnung 2017
  • Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Master / Prüfungsordnung 2019
  • Betriebswirtschaftslehre Master
  • fachübergreifend


Digitalization as well as sustainability are so-called mega-trends the 21st century. Digital technologies are increasingly integrated in society and economy.  This process both poses environmental and social challenges, such as climate change or social injustice, as well as the potential to accelerate sustainable transition. An effective transition to renewable decentralized energy supplies for instance will only succeed with digital and connected devices. However, digitalization is not per definition sustainable. It also has many negative impacts on the environment and society. For example, electronic devices require scarce non-renewable natural resources, and data processing uses vast amounts of energy. The reserves of the elements needed for digitalization are depleting, while the volume of electronic waste is rapidly growing every year. How can digitalization support sustainable transition without causing more harm than good? Is a green digitalization possible? In the module, we cover the risks and potentials in of digital innovations in various sectors such as energy systems, mobility, agriculture o education.
The module contains following topics:

  • Block 1: Introduction to digitalization and its relations to sustainability and social-ecological transformation
  • Block 2: Current effects of digitalization in various sectors (data protection, environmental impacts, effects on democracy, digital divide and social injustice)
  • Block 3: Transformation paths for a socio-ecological digitalization (sufficiency in digitalization, open source, open governance, Circular Economy and more)
  • Excursion: Visiting sites of digital innovation in Berlin, e.g., Futurium

The module is organized in lectures and seminars:

  • 510510 Lectures on Fridays, 12th May, 9th June, 30th June, from 9:30 - 13:00 and 14:15 - 17:30: presentations from lecturers and invited experts, interactive discussions
  • 510511 Seminars on Saturdays 13th May, 10th June, 1st July, from 9:30 - 13:00 and 14:15 - 17:30: group work, interactive presentations and discussions
  • Excursion in Berlin: 17th of June from 9:30 - 13:00 and 14:15 - 17:30

Please save these dates because some assessments will require your attendance.
Examinations (Continuous assessments):
For the lecture (510510): written exam on the 1st of July
For the seminars (510511): Group presentation and three exercises taking place during the three block seminars (Deadline for handing in: 23th of July 2023)


  • Laura Beyeler
  • Prof. Dr. phil. Melanie Jaeger-Erben




Sustainability and Digitalisation (13659)

510505 in HIS

Vorlesung Einführung in die Technik- und umweltsoziologische Forschung (510506)


Mo 11:30 - 13:00, A/B Woche, 08.04.2024 bis 15.07.2024, Laborgebäude 4B / B3.20


  • fachübergreifend
  • Digitale Gesellschaft Bachelor / Prüfungsordnung 2022
  • Orientierungsstudium 1Sem (1. Semester) / Prüfungsordnung 2022
  • Orientierungsstudium 2Sem (2. Semester) / Prüfungsordnung 2022


·         Technik- und umweltsoziologische Theorien und Forschungsansätze
·         Mensch-Umwelt-Technik-Beziehungen und soziotechnische Naturverhältnisse
·         Innovation, Transition und Transformation soziotechnischer Systeme
·         Technik und Umwelt
·         Technikakzeptanz/-skepsis
·         Technikfolgenabschätzung
·         Umweltteilhabe und -gerechtigkeit

Umweltbewegungen und soziale Innovationen Klimaschutz als kollektive AufgabeEmpfohlene Voraussetzungen:keine


Prof. Dr. phil. Melanie Jaeger-Erben




Einführung in die Technik- und Umweltsoziologie (13716)

510506 in HIS

Seminar Anwendungsfelder der Technik- und Umweltsoziologie (510507)


Mo 13:45 - 15:15, A/B Woche, 08.04.2024 bis 15.07.2024, Laborgebäude 4B / B3.21


  • fachübergreifend
  • Digitale Gesellschaft Bachelor (2. Semester) / Prüfungsordnung 2022
  • Orientierungsstudium 1Sem (1. Semester) / Prüfungsordnung 2022
  • Orientierungsstudium 2Sem (2. Semester) / Prüfungsordnung 2022


·         Technik- und umweltsoziologische Theorien und Forschungsansätze
·         Mensch-Umwelt-Technik-Beziehungen und soziotechnische Naturverhältnisse
·         Innovation, Transition und Transformation soziotechnischer Systeme
·         Technik und Umwelt
·         Technikakzeptanz/-skepsis
·         Technikfolgenabschätzung
·         Umweltteilhabe und -gerechtigkeit

Umweltbewegungen und soziale Innovationen Klimaschutz als kollektive Aufgabe


Prof. Dr. phil. Melanie Jaeger-Erben




Einführung in die Technik- und Umweltsoziologie (13716)

510507 in HIS

Seminar Colloquium for Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research (510508)


Mi 10:30 - 12:00, B Woche, 10.04.2024 bis 10.07.2024, Lehrgebäude 10 / 211a/b


Die Lehrinhalte entnehmen Sie bitte der Modulbeschreibung.




Colloquium Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research (13711)

510508 in HIS

Übung Research workshops for Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research (510509)


  • 09:30 - 16:00, Block Woche, 02.05.2024 bis 03.05.2024
  • 2-Gruppe
    • 09:30 - 16:00, Block Woche, 13.06.2024 bis 14.06.2024


Die Lehrinhalte entnehmen Sie bitte der Modulbeschreibung.




Colloquium Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research (13711)

510509 in HIS

Vorlesung B-TU for Future – Summer Lecture series on climate protection and sustainable development (510510)


  • Mi 17:30 - 19:00, A/B Woche, 10.04.2024 bis 17.07.2024, Großer Hörsaal / GH
  • Mi 17:30 - 19:00, Einzel, am 19.06.2024, Lehrgebäude 1A / HS 1, Ausweichraum (statt GH) am 19.06.2024 Tag der Forschung




Klimaschutz und nachhaltige Entwicklung gehören zu den zentralen Herausforderungen gegenwärtiger Gesellschaften. Politik, Wirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft sind gleichermaßen aufgefordert, den Ursachen und Folgen des Klimawandels zu begegnen und sich mit dem politischen Projekt der nachhaltigen Entwicklung auseinanderzusetzen. An der B-TU Cottbus – Senftenberg wird mit verschiedenen geographischen Maßstäben und aus unterschiedlichen disziplinären Perspektiven zum Klimawandel und Klimaschutz sowie zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung geforscht. Die Online-Ringvorlesung möchte Studierenden aller Fachrichtungen sowie einer interessierten Öffenltichung einen umfassenden Überblick zur Klimaforschung der B-TU bieten und so die inter- und transdisziplinäre Verständigung vorantreiben. Die zumeist auf deutsch gehaltenen Vorlesungen sollen als Mitschnitte mit englischen Untertiteln zugänglich gemacht werden.


Prof. Dr. phil. Melanie Jaeger-Erben




B-TU for Future - Transdisziplinäres Modul für Klimaschutz und nachhaltige Entwicklung (13710)

510510 in HIS

Seminar/Übung Übung B-TU for Future: Klimaschutz partizipativ – Studienprojekte zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung (510515)


Mi 15:30 - 17:00, A/B Woche, 10.07.2024 bis 17.07.2024, Laborgebäude 4B / B3.18


Die Lehrinhalte entnehmen Sie bitte der Modulbeschreibung.


  • Prof. Dr. phil. Melanie Jaeger-Erben
  • Luisa Stuhr




B-TU for Future - Transdisziplinäres Modul für Klimaschutz und nachhaltige Entwicklung (13710)

510515 in HIS

Prüfung B-TU for Future: Partizipatives Modul für Klimaschutz und zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung (510516)


Prof. Dr. phil. Melanie Jaeger-Erben

510516 in HIS

Vorlesung Global Studies (Massive Open Online Course) (510520)


  • fachübergreifend
  • Environmental and Resource Management Bachelor / Prüfungsordnung 2015
  • Digitale Gesellschaft Bachelor / Prüfungsordnung 2022
  • Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung Bachelor / Prüfungsordnung 2017
  • Architektur Bachelor / Prüfungsordnung 2022
  • Soziale Arbeit Bachelor / Prüfungsordnung 2020


The exercise is part of the EUNICE Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) "Introduction to Global Studies" and is designed to provide a significant number of students with the opportunity to expand their knowledge of global issues from an interdisciplinary perspective.
The EUNICE MOOC in Global Studies aims to serve as an introduction to this discipline for those who want to have a first contact with this innovative and emerging field. It covers topics such as economics and business, society and culture, health and sustainability, from a globalised point of view.
One of the key elements of this MOOC is that it is taught by professors from 7 Universities, coming from 7 different countries. Therefore, the learning experience will be enriched by the multiculturalism offered by the diverse profiles of the teaching staff. Moreover, being an introductory course, it can be followed by students from different backgrounds and interests.
In the context of today's globalized world, this course will help the students to understand the interrelationships created between actors at different levels (local, national, international), and how they can affect them and the people around them.


The learning resources and assessment tools of the course are available at the EUNICE Moodle Platform (link will be published via BTU e-learning platform (moodle-course Global Studies).Students will have access to video materials, written course contents, further reading materials and an automatic online assessment to get familiar with the course contents and to check their acquired knowledge. Students can review the materials and do the assessments at their own pace during the period of course delivery.


Prof. Dr. phil. Melanie Jaeger-Erben




Global Studies - Massive Open Online Course (13940)

510520 in HIS

Übung Global Studies (Exercise) (510521)


  • fachübergreifend
  • Environmental and Resource Management Bachelor / Prüfungsordnung 2015
  • Digitale Gesellschaft Bachelor / Prüfungsordnung 2022
  • Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung Bachelor / Prüfungsordnung 2017
  • Architektur Bachelor / Prüfungsordnung 2022
  • Soziale Arbeit Bachelor / Prüfungsordnung 2020


The exercise is part of the EUNICE Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) "Introduction to Global Studies" and is designed to provide a significant number of students with the opportunity to expand their knowledge of global issues from an interdisciplinary perspective. The exercise is supposed to deepen the knowledge gained in the online course (510520) by means of a written report and an online supervision (on demand).
The course is offered online.


The learning resources and assessment tools of the course are available at the EUNICE Moodle Platform (link will be published via BTU e-learning platform (moodle-course Global Studies).Students will have access to video materials, written course contents, further reading materials and an automatic online assessment to get familiar with the course contents and to check their acquired knowledge. Students can review the materials and do the assessments at their own pace during the period of course delivery.


  • Prof. Dr. phil. Melanie Jaeger-Erben
  • Magdalena Meißner




Global Studies - Massive Open Online Course (13940)

510521 in HIS