Durch die Förderung des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes (DAAD) Jahr 2012 konnte der Lehrstuhl Zivil- und Öffentliches Recht mit Bezügen zum Umwelt- und Europarecht zwei DAAD-Summer Schools bzw. Seminare durchführen.
Im April fand die internationale DAAD-Summer School mit dem Thema "Harnessing Renewable Energy for Industrial Applications and Other Productive Uses in Developing Countries" in Cottbus statt. Im Anschluss wurde die Hannover Messe besucht.
Weitere Informationen zum Programm finden Sie unten.
Im Juni fand die internationale DAAD-Summer School "Using Solar Energy Technology for Development of Rural Areas in the Global South" an der BTU Cottbus statt sowie anschließend auf der Intersolar Europe 2012 in München.
Weitere Informationen zum Programm finden Sie unten.
14. - 25. April 2012
International DAAD-Summer School
"Harnessing Renewable Energy for Industrial Applications and Other Productive Uses in Developing Countries"
Kontakt: Terence O. Egute, Emmanuel Wanki, Lars Krause

The Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Cottbus, Germany hereby announces the International DAAD-Summer School on “Harnessing Renewable Energy for Industrial Applications and Other Productive Uses in Developing Countries” scheduled to take place from 14th/15th April (arrival date) to 22nd April 2012 (departure date to Hannover) at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus, Germany followed by a visit to the world’s unique trade fair that exhibits industrial technology “Hannover Messe 2012” April 23rd-25th 2012 (departure date from Germany is April 26th)
The programme is organized and hosted by the Department of Civil Law and Public Law with References to the Law of Europe and the Environment of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Process Engineering at BTU Cottbus (Prof. Dr. Eike Albrecht) with financial support from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
The Summer School targets German alumni from developing countries (nationals of countries in the DAAD-DAC list of developing countries – who carried out research or studied in Germany for at least 3 months. The alumni should have a background in academic fields relevant to Energy and professionally involve in the environmental domain and sustainable developlment. In addition, they should working or have work experience in industry and business relating to power generation, transmission, distribution, application; manufacturing and sale of energy products; design; consultancy; project developers; planners; industrial research and development; academic or educational institutions; development organizations; NGOs; private enterprises and related fields. The prospective participants should be potential multipliers in a position to disseminate the acquired knowledge and experience and/or take decisions on implementation.
The Summer School is designed to offer its participants an opportunity to have a deep insight into renewable energy technologies options, their application in the industry and other productive uses, potential contribution to energy sustainability and impacts, energy laws and policy. It will promote creative exchange of ideas between alumni and the project staff in the field of renewable energy, facilitates international scientific cooperation and strengthens participants’ capacity in the field of energy law and policy; solar energy; wind energy; energy distribution and network stability. In addition, the Summer School will enhance exchange of experiences, establishment of international networks between the alumni, scientific discourse and international academic cooperation in the field of renewable energy. It will foster ideas with respect to joint research projects, technological development and the transfer of knowledge and technology on renewable energy.
The main topics to be covered during the summer school are as follows:
Law and policy
- Legal and policy framework impacting renewable energy technologies and development
- Strategic environmental planning for renewable energy projects
- Biogas and power generation from municipal waste and residues within developing countries’ context
- Power and process heat applications based on biomass gasification
Solar energy
- Photovoltaic systems and technology adapted to developing countries’ conditions
- Power quality in grid connected solar energy systems
Wind energy
- Wind energy technology and application for small/medium size enterprises
- Cost consideration with respect to renewable energy generation
Energy distribution and network stability
- Network stability, smart grid technology and efficiency of electrical devices
- Storage systems and grid systems models for electrical power supply
Programme in Cottbus
The programme will include:
- Lectures by BTU academic staff,
- Papers and country case studies presented by the alumni and resource persons,
- Group work and discussions,
- Half-day-workshop on “Alternative energy options: challenges and opportunities in developing countries,”
- Practical insight into biogas production, waste-to-energy recent development, photovoltaic and e-solars installations at BTU Cottbus,
- Excursions to renewable energy hybrid power plant (ENERTRAG AG Prenzlau) and Vestasblade production (Vestas Blades Lauchhammer),
- German cultural event.
Cost coverage
The following cost will be covered from DAAD funds:
- International travel ticket (to Berlin and from Hannover),
- Transport from Berlin airport to Cottbus (by train),
- Transport from Cottbus to “Hannover Messe 2012” (by train),
- Transport from the Hotel in Hannover to Hannover Airport,
- Entrance fees at Hannover Trade Fair,
- Accommodation and living expenses based on a fixed daily allowance during the stay in Cottbus and Hannover,
- Travel health insurance and visa costs for the stay in Germany.
All other home country expenses such as transport costs from participants’ area of residence to their countries’ airport have to be borne by them.
Eligibility for participation is based on the following criteria:
- German alumni from developing countries (nationals of countries in the DAAD-DAC list of developing countries) who carried out research or studied in Germany for at least 3 months.
- Work experience in industry and business relating to power generation, transmission, distribution, application; manufacturing and sale of energy products; design; consultancy;project developers; planners; industrial research and development; educationalinstitutions and related fields,
- Potential multipliers who will disseminate the acquired knowledge and promote the adoption of renewable energy technologies in their respective countries.
There are no more application accepted.
The Summer school will be held in English and as a result, English language proficiency is absolutely necessary to follow the presentations and actively participate in the discussions.
The programme to visit the "Hannover Messe 2012" will be distributed to the alumni by DAAD when they arrive in Hannover.
04. - 15. Juni 2012
International DAAD-Summer School
"Using Solar Energy Technology for Development of Rural Areas in the Global South"
Kontakt: Terence O. Egute, Emmanuel Wanki, Lars Krause

The Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Cottbus, Germany hereby announces the International DAAD-Summer School on “Using Solar Energy Technology for Development of Rural Areas in the Global South” scheduled to take place from 03rd June (arrival date) to 12th June 2012 (departure date to München) at the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus, Germany followed by a visit to the world’s largest trade fair that exhibits solar energy technology “Intersolar Europe 2012” June 13th-15th 2012 (departure date from Germany is June 16th)
The programme is organized and hosted by the Department of Civil Law and Public Law with References to the Law of Europe and the Environment of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Process Engineering at BTU Cottbus (Prof. Dr. Eike Albrecht, www.tu-cottbus.de/recht) with financial support from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
The Summer School targets Germany alumni from developing countries (nationals of countries in the DAC list of developing countries – who carried out research or studied in Germany for at least 3 months and are presently living and working in their home countries. The alumni should have a background in academic fields relevant to energy and work experience in industry and business relating to solar energy generation, transmission, distribution, application; manufacturing and sale of solar energy products; design; consultancy; project developers; planners; industrial research and development; educational institutions and related fields. The prospective participants should be potential multipliers who will disseminate the acquired knowledge and promote the adoption of solar energy technologies in their respective countries.
The Summer School is designed to offer its participants an opportunity to have a profound insight into solar energy technologies options for development and growth in rural areas in the global south. It will promote creative exchange of ideas between alumni and the project staff in the field of solar energy, facilitates international scientific cooperation and strengthens participants’ capacity in the field of energy law and policy; solar energy potential contribution to energy sustainability, network stability, technologies as well as application of innovative solar energy systems in developing countries. The summer school will enhance scientific knowledge and good practices with respect to solar energy generation and utilisation. In addition, it will enhance exchange of experiences, establishment of international networks between the alumni, scientific discourse and international academic cooperation in the field of solar energy. It will foster ideas with respect to joint research projects, technological development and the transfer of knowledge and technology on solar energy.
The main topics to be covered during the summer school are as follows:
Law and Policy
- Legal and policy framework impacting solar energy technologies and development
- Solar energy support mechanisms and commercialization regulations
Planning and Solar Energy Projects
- Dertec: A project for lasting solution of energy deficiency
- Strategic environmental assessment for planning of solar energy development
Innovative solar energy systems
- Solar energy: State-of-the-art technologies, current developments and future directions
- Solar energy innovative storage systems
- Solar energy technology and application
Solar energy application in developing countries
- Solar energy experiences of cities and municipalities in Germany: Transferable to developing countries?
- Photovoltaic technology and application for small/medium size enterprises in developing countries
- Cost consideration with respect to solar energy generation
Energy distribution and network stability
- Network stability, smart grid technology and efficiency of electrical devices
- Grid systems models for electrical power supply
- Power quality in grid connected solar energy systems
Programme in Cottbus
The programme will include:
- Lectures by BTU academic staff,
- Papers and country case studies presented by the alumni and resource persons,
- Group work and discussions,
- Half-day-workshop on “Solar Energy Business Opportunities in Developing Countries,
- ”Practical insight into solar energy recent technological development, photovoltaic and e-solars installations at BTU Cottbus,
- Excursions to the world’s largest solar energy complex (Solarpark Senftenberg) and another renowned solar energy technology company (Phönix SonnenWärme AG Berlin),
- German cultural event.
Cost coverage
The following cost will be covered from DAAD funds:
- International travel ticket (to Berlin and from München). The maximum amount allocated for flight cost for participants of each region is as follows:
- 950 Euro for participants from Latin America
- 800 Euro for participants from Asia
- 900 Euro for participants from Sub-Saharan Africa
- 500 Euro for participants from North Africa
- 500 Euro for participants from Near and Middle East
- 300 Euro for participants from Eastern Europe
- Transport from Berlin airport to Cottbus (by train),
- Transport from Cottbus to “Intersolar Europe 2012” München (by train),
- Transport from the Hotel in München to München Airport,
- Entrance fees at the Trade Fair in München
- Accommodation and living expenses based on a fixed daily allowance during the stay in Cottbus and München,
- Travel health insurance and visa costs for the stay in Germany.
All other home country expenses such as transport costs from participants’ area of residence to their countries’ airport have to be borne by them.
Eligibility for participation is based on the following criteria:
- Germany alumni from developing countries (nationals of countries in the DAC list of developing countries who carried out research or studied in Germany for at least 3 months.
- work experience in industry and business relating to solar energy generation, transmission, distribution, application; manufacturing and sale of solar energy products; design; consultancy; project developers; planners; industrial research and development; educational institutions and related fields,
- Potential multipliers who will disseminate the acquired knowledge and promote the adoption of solar energy technologies in their respective countries.
There are no more applications accepted.
The Summer school will be held in English and as a result, English language proficiency is absolutely necessary to follow the presentations and actively participate in the discussions.
The programme to visit the "Intersolar Europe 2012" will be distributed to the alumni by DAAD when they arrive in München.
With your application you agree that your data (name, organization, email) is given to selected company representatives and that you might appear on pictures which will be published on the DAAD website after the event.
Travel dates
The date of arrival in Germany will be June 3rd 2012 (arrival at Berlin Tegel or Schönefeld Airport). The date of departure from Germany will be June 16th 2012 (departure from München).