Aleksandra Kosykh

Jahrgang 1990, Dr.-Ing., M.Ing, M.Sc.; Bachelor- und Masterabschluss in Bau- and Industrieingenieurwesen an der Polytechnischen Universität in Perm, Russland (2007–2013); aufbauendes Masterstudium in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions an der Universität Minho, Guimaraes, Portugal und der Tschechischen Technischen Universität in Prage, Tschechische Republik (2015–2016). Berufliche Weiterbildung: Computer Technologies in Architectural design an der Perm National Research Polytechnic University in Perm, Russland (2009–2011).

Forschungsschwerpunkte: Historische Eisenkonstruktionen, Erhalt von gebautem Erbe, Untersuchungen an historischen Konstruktionen.



Pioneers of modern construction. Building with iron in 18th century Russia



Kosykh, Aleksandra: Pioneers of Modern Construction. Building with Iron in 18th-century Russia, Dissertation, Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg 2023.

Kosykh, Aleksandra: The Russian «Language of Building Iron Roofs»: Genesis and Early Dialects, in: May, Roland et al. (Hg.): Konstruktionssprachen. Überlegungen zur Periodisierung von Bautechnikgeschichte, Basel/Berlin 2020, S. 47–60.

Kosykh, Aleksandra: Building With Iron in Eigtheenth-century Tula: The armory capital of Russia and its iron Roofs, in: Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Conference of the Construction History Society, Cambridge 2020, S. 15–29.

Kosykh, Aleksandra: A Feat of Russian Engineering from the 1740s, the Iron Roof of the Refectory Church of St. Sergius in Sergiev Posad, in: Proceedings of the Sixth Conference of the Construction History Society, Cambridge 2019, S. 340–357.

Kosykh, Aleksandra / Lorenz, Werner / Frommelt, Konrad: The Roof of the Marble Palace in Saint-Petersburg: A structural iron ensemble from the 1770s, in: Proceeding of the Sixth International Congress on Construction History, Vol. 2, Brüssel 2018, S. 809–817.

Kosykh, Aleksandra A. / Sursanov D. V.: Problems of application of relevant technical standards dedicated to the structural health monitoring of heritage buildings, Perm: Russian Science Citation Index. Vestnik PNRPU. Urbanistika, 2013 (in russischer Sprache).

Kosykh Aleksandra A. / Sursanov D. V.: The analysis of Perm region standards for maintenance of heritage buildings, Perm: Russian Science Citation Index. Vestnik PNRPU, 2012 (in russischer Sprache).