Jonas Marko, M.Sc.

Hauptgebäude Raum 2.38

T: +49 (0) 355 69 2023
F: +49 (0) 355 69 2769



  • Marko, Jonas; Wachsmuth, Gerd (2023). “Integer optimal control problems with total variation regularization: Optimality conditions and fast solution of subproblems”. ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 29. doi: 10.1051/cocv/2023065.

Konferenzen und Workshops

  • FGS 2024 - TV regularization for integer optimal control problems with vector valued controls; 18. Juni 2024, Gijón (Spanien)
  • WSOPT Workshop Optimierung 2024 - TV regularization for integer optimal control problems with vector valued controls; 12. März 2024, Burg (Deutschland)
  • EUCCO 2023 - Integer Control Problems with TV-Regularization: Optimality Conditions and Solution Methods; 25. September 2023, Heidelberg (Deutschland)
  • ICIAM 2023 - On integer optimal control problems with total variation regularization; 21. August 2023, Tokio (Japan)
  • GAMM 2023 - On Integer Optimal Control Problems with Total Variation Regularization; 30. Mai 2023, Dresden (Deutschland)
  • GPCO 2022 - On Integer Optimal Control Problems with Total Variation Regularization; 30. September 2022, Apolda (Deutschland)
  • FGP 2022 - On Integer Optimal Control Problems with Total Variation Regularization; 04. Mai 2022, Porto (Portugal)