Scene by Scene

Marina Daenicke, Anja Rumpel

A series of new public spaces, interconnected by a network of small streets and passages, is inserted into Peckham’s urban fabric. Rye Lane, considered as the backbone of the quarter, is strongly upgraded by the proposed second layer. New public or semi-public venues and places assigned to special purposes add to its structurally limited performance. Thus Peckham’s central functions are expanded and diversified; the whole area is transformed into a socially dense urban core.

The newly introduced spaces use morphologic potentials of the existing to form a stable network, a chain of attractive settings. Public space is framed or defined by new buildings, stimulating and interacting with public life. Introducing this sequence of “Scenes” (cultural, commercial, spiritual etc.) not only provides new places open to appropriation but also brands and themes them. It also aims at upgrading the urban life by clearly defined complementary programs- as new functions or event spaces - linked to the existing local culture.