
Sondernutzung Sonstige Veranstaltungen Institut Bau- und Kunstgeschichte (620000)


  • Di 15:00 - 19:00, Einzel, am 06.08.2024, Lehrgebäude 2A / A0.03, Doktorandenkolloquium Architekturtheorie
  • Di 19:00 - 21:00, A/B Woche, 15.10.2024 bis 04.02.2025
  • Mi 14:30 - 16:00, Einzel, am 26.06.2024, Lehrgebäude 2D / 109
  • Mi 16:00 - 18:00, Einzel, am 19.06.2024, Lehrgebäude 2A / A0.03
  • Mi 16:00 - 18:00, Einzel, am 17.07.2024, Lehrgebäude 2A / A0.03


Bau- und Kunstgeschichte Bachelor / Prüfungsordnung 2022


  • Vladimir Korensky
  • Karin Schwarz
  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. David Wendland
620000 in HIS

Projekt Wicked Problems and Heritage (620403)


Do 15:30 - 17:00, A/B Woche, 18.04.2024 bis 18.07.2024, Lehrgebäude 2A / A0.25


  • Architektur Master / Prüfungsordnung 2022
  • World Heritage Studies Master / Prüfungsordnung 2008
  • Heritage Conservation and Site Management Master / Prüfungsordnung 2015
  • Architektur Master / Prüfungsordnung 2016
  • Stadt- u. Regionalplanung Master / Prüfungsordnung 2017


In many areas of life and in most parts of the world, we are confronted with what are called “wicked problems”: challenges such as pollution and climate change, poverty and injustice, crime, disaster and armed conflict, as well as aging and disease, loneliness, and unhappiness. Some of these problems are human-caused, while others are natural in origin; all have in common that they are “complex, intractable, open-ended and unpredictable” (John Schofield), seeming to resist every effort to solve them. Are we as humans powerless in the face of such challenges? Or is it ‘simply’ a matter of finding the right approach? Scientists and politicians as well as religious leaders are usually the ones to whom we look for solutions. But what can we as heritage professionals contribute? What role, if any, can we play in addressing wicked problems? In this study project we will explore the wicked problem concept in its various dimensions, taking the particular perspective of the heritage professional. We will work to identify the points where these problems clearly intersect with heritage concerns, but will also attempt to suggest ways in which a more fundamental “heritage mindset” might productively inform thinking in politics, science and many other areas well beyond the immediate field of cultural heritage. Examples from the Berlin/Cottbus region will be used as case studies to examine issues and generate insights that are relevant to diverse situations and communities around the globe. Site visits and guest lectures will complement our in-class discussions, and weekly tasks will be assigned for both individual and group work. Evaluation will be based on completion of these tasks, on active participation in discussions in the classroom and on-site, and on a final group project, to be developed in consultation with the instructor and presented in class.


Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Johanna Blokker




  • Study Project 1 (11646)
  • Study Project 1 (37410)
  • Study Project 2 (37411)
  • Forschungsprojekt (11753)
  • Entwurfsprojekt 3 (11752)
620403 in HIS

Seminar Conservation of Ruins and Archaeological Sites (620406)


Di 13:45 - 17:00, A/B Woche, 16.04.2024 bis 16.07.2024, Lehrgebäude 2D / 109


  • Heritage Conservation and Site Management Master / Prüfungsordnung 2013
  • Heritage Conservation and Site Management Master / Prüfungsordnung 2015


This seminar explores the various challenges and opportunities of conserving heritage ruins and archaeological sites. On the one hand, the focus is laid on discourses around terms such as ruins, ruination, preservation, etc. in general as well as at specific sites. Additionally, students will examine the agents of deterioration that threaten the fabric and stability of these sites. The seminar will analyze a variety of preventive and protective measures to reduce damage to these sites. The role of the official and non-governmental institutions will be analyzed and discussed within the framework of planning and implementation processes. The seminar will examine the threats and opportunities associated with reconstructing monuments and heritage sites, using various examples.

These skills will then be applied to several case studies visited during the excursions. These excursions are planned and prepared during the seminar and constitute an essential part of it. Therefore, they are mandatory.


  • Baris Altan
  • Frank Rochow




Conservation of Ruins and Archaeological Sites (11462)

620406 in HIS

Seminar Conservation of ruines and archaeological sites (online) (620416)


Mo 13:45 - 15:15, A/B Woche, 08.04.2024 bis 08.07.2024, online


World Heritage Studies - Fernstudium (1. - 4. Semester) / Prüfungsordnung 2021


This seminar explores the various challenges and opportunities of conserving heritage ruins and archaeological sites. After gaining an understanding of the different uses and (conflicting) values of these sites, students will then look at the agents of deterioration that threaten the fabric and stability of these sites. A variety of preventive measures and protective structures will be analysed that aim at lessening the damage to these sites. The interpretive planning process will also be discussed as well as the presentation of sites. These skills will then be applied for the analysis and assessment of a site chosen by each of the students.   
NB: Three of the above-mentioned dates are designed as mandatory synchronous online sessions, in which students will present their research.
The syllabus and bibliography can be consulted on moodle.


Dr. phil. Alexandra Skedzuhn-Safir




Conservation of Ruins and Archaeological Sites (Online) (13578)

620416 in HIS

Prüfung Examination - Conservation of Ruins (620484)


  • World Heritage Studies Master / Prüfungsordnung 2008
  • Heritage Conservation and Site Management Master / Prüfungsordnung 2013
  • Heritage Conservation and Site Management Master / Prüfungsordnung 2015


Die Lehrinhalte entnehmen Sie bitte der Modulbeschreibung.


  • Baris Altan
  • Frank Rochow


Conservation of Ruins and Archaeological Sites (11462)

620484 in HIS