Kolloquium zur Technik- und Wissenschaftsforschung (2024/25)
Datum | PräsentatorInnen | Vortragsthemen |
29.11.2024 | Lora Koycheva (Moderator) | Reading Group |
05.12.2024 | Team Meeting Tag 1 | |
06.12.2024 | Team Meeting Tag 2 | |
13.12.2024 | Francesc Rodriguez | Surviving NatUAres: Hydraulic, Acoustic, and Vegetal Insights from Russia’s War of Aggression Against Ukraine |
20.12.2024 | Maria Elizabeth Bedon Sanchez | tba |
24.01.2025 14:30 Uhr | Cornelia Ertl | Learning from Plants - on gardeners' expertise |
07.02.2025 | Ahmed El Sherbini | Energy in qualitative terms: An introduction to energy as a socio-cultural role player in human society's history |
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Link zum Moodle Kurs
Cornelia Ertl
Learning from Plants – on gardeners’ expertise
Gardeners are experts on plants, on how to care for them and to live together with them. Their expertise grows from seemingly mundane yet intimate encounters with plants and is highly specific and significant, yet often overlooked and underappreciated. By paying attention to gardeners’ everyday practices, I explore how expertise in plants and their care unfolds within more-than-human dynamics of interacting and relies on the abilities to attune to and respond to vegetal being(s) – to develop “a feeling for the plant”, as gardeners call it.
Cornelia Ertl is a social and cultural anthropologist with a focus on the perception and shaping of more-than-human environments, marginalized forms of knowledge and plant-human entanglements. In her PhD dissertation at Freie Universität Berlin, she sheds light on the significance of ambiguities in everyday practices of plant care at the Botanic Garden Berlin and on the complexity of gardeners’ expertise. Previously, Cornelia studied social and cultural anthropology and ethnology in Berlin and Munich, focusing primarily on the interrelationships between grown, built and social environments in the rural Amazon region. Other fields of interest are more-than-human care dynamics, critical plant studies, and sensory ethnography, as well as artistic and speculative approaches to exploring and imagining shared worlds. Contact: cornelia.ertl(at)web.de
Bemerkung zum Termin:
Das Kolloquium findet meist online statt, in einigen Fällen vor Ort im LG 10, R113a, jeweils am Freitag, von 11:30 - 13 Uhr.
Am 24.01.2025 findet das Kolloquium um 14:30 Uhr statt.
Allgemeine Technikwissenschaft
T +49 (0) 355 69-2135