Caterina De Petris
T +49 (0) 355 69 3096
F +49 (0) 355 69 2472
Raum: LG 10 / 533k
Email: depetris(at)
Caterina De Petris
auf Anfrage
Raum: LG10 / 533 k
Agri-environment schemes (AES), payments for ecosystem services (PES), environmental federalism, biodiversity conservation, ecological-economic modelling, agent-based modelling (ABM)
- Environmental Economics
- Economics of Land and Biodiversity Conservation Management
- Business Administration
From 10/2019 to 10/2021
M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics
Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
From 10/2016 to 08/2019
B.Sc. in Environmental and Resource Management
Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany
From 08/2018 to 01/2019
Exchange Semester
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem), Budapest, Hungary
From 04/2021 to 07/2021
Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research GmbH – UFZ, Leipzig, Germany
Department of Ecological Modelling
Project title: Effects of bounded rationality in landowner behaviour on the dynamics of agglomeration payment schemes
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dr. Martin Drechsler
Relevant work experience
From 10/2021 to 12/2021
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington D.C., USA
Position: External collaborator
Task: Data Analysis Consultancy
Project: Joint project by CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE) and CGIAR Research Program Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM)
From 12/2020 to 03/2021
Position: Student assistant
Employer: Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
Chair of Economics, in particular Environmental Economics, Cottbus, Germany
From 01/2021 to 12/2021
Participation in an intervention for improving community groundwater governance in Ethiopia
Feed the Future Innovation Laboratory for Small Scale Irrigation (ILSSI) and International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington D.C., USA
- Working paper:
- Conference presentation: "Cost-effectiveness of result-based versus measure-based agrienvironment payments in a landscape with pre-existing landscape elements: insights from an ecological-economic model" at the XXV annual BIOECON conference at the Kings College, Cambridge, UK, 4th - 6th September 2024.
- Artikel: ElDidi, H., Zhang, W., Blackmore, I., Gelaw, F., De Petris, C., Teka, N., Yimam, S., Mekonnen, D., Ringler, C., & Meinzen-Dick, R. (2024). Getting Ahead of the Game: Experiential Learning for Groundwater Governance in Ethiopia.International Journal of the Commons, 18(1), pp. 66–81. (Link)
- Report: Beitrag zu Report "Strengthening Water Governance and Collective Action Through Groundwater Games" (Link)
- Poster: "Environmental federalism and agri-environment schemes: is there more to centralization than uniform policies?", ECEM 2023 - European Conference on Ecological Modelling, Leipzig (06.09.2023) (Link)
- Konferenzpräsentation "Environmental federalism, agri-environment schemes and multiple species conservation: is there more to centralization than uniform policies?" auf der XXIV annual BIOECON conference in Santiago de Compostela (Spanien), 31. August - 1. September 2023