Dr. Nonka Markova-Nenova

T +49 (0) 355 69 3585
F +49 (0) 355 69 2472
Raum: LG 10/534g
Dr. Nonka Markova-Nenova
nach Vereinbarung
Raum LG 10/534g
Umweltpolitik und Verteilung, ökonomische Umweltbewertung, Kosten Agrarumweltmaßnahmen und ökologisch-ökonomische Modellierung
Begutachtete Veröffentlichungen
- Markova-Nenova, N., Engler, J. O., Cord, A. F., Wätzold, F. (2023): Will passive acoustic monitoring make result-based payments more attractive? A cost comparison with human observation for farmland bird monitoring. Conservation Science and Practice. e13003. (Link)
- Becker, N., Farja, Y., Greenfeld, A., Markova-Nenova, N., & Wätzold, F. (2023). A blueprint for addressing conflicts between ecotourism and farming from an economic perspective: The case of wintering crane conservation in the Hula Valley in Israel. Ecological Economics, 209, 107824. (Link)
- Nonka Markova-Nenova, Frank Wätzold, und Astrid Sturm (2023): Optimizing Agri-Environment Schemes for Cost-Effectiveness, Fairness or Both?, QOpen, qoad005, (Link)
- Mary Nthambi, Nonka Markova-Nenova, und Frank Wätzold (2021):Quantifying Loss of Benefits from Poor Governance of Climate Change Adaptation Projects: A Discrete Choice Experiment with Farmers in Kenya, Ecological Economics 171, 106831 (Link)
- Nonka Markova-Nenova und Frank Wätzold: Fair to the cow or fair to the farmer? The preferences of conventional milk buyers for ethical attributes of milk, Land Use Policy (79), 223-239 (Link).
- Nonka Markova-Nenova und Frank Wätzold (2017): PES for the poor? Preferences of potential buyers of forest ecosystem services for including distributive goals in the design of payments for conserving the dry spiny forest in Madagascar, Forest Policy and Economics (80), 71-79 (Link)
Working Paper
- Markova-Nenova, Engler, Cord, Wätzold (2023): A Cost Comparison Analysis of Bird-Monitoring Techniques for Result-Based Payments in Agriculture. MPRA Paper No. 116311 (Link)
- Markova-Nenova, N., Wätzold, F., Sturm, A., (2020). Distributional Impacts of Cost-effective Spatially Homogeneous and Regionalized Agri-Environment Payments. A case study of a Grassland Scheme in Saxony, Germany. MPRA Working Paper No. 104759. (Link)
- Nonka Markova-Nenova und Frank Wätzold (2017): Fairness to dairy cows or fairness to farmers: What counts more in the preferences of conventional milk buyers for ethical attributes of milk? (Link)
- "Distributive aspects in the design of payments for ecosystem services and agri-environmental schemes" (Link)
- Konferenzvortrag: " What about agglomeration bonus plus malus as a policy option for AES? A case study hedge planting scheme for bird conservation in Saxony Germany" auf der XXV Annual BIOECON Conference in Cambridge (UK), 6.09.2024
- Vortrag bei der Fachtagung "Naturschutz: Von der Forschung in die Praxis - 75/24, Landschaft innovativ planen" der Bayerischen Akademie für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege (ANL) am 24.09.2024
- Konferenz-Vortrag: Man vs. Machine – Cost Comparison of Bird-Monitoring Techniques for Result-Based Payments in Agriculture, vorgestellt auf dem ECCB 2022 in Prag (25.08.2022)
- Konferenz-Vortrag: Markova-Nenova, N., Wätzold, F. and Sturm, A. Distributional Impacts of Cost-effective Spatially Homogeneous and Regionalized Agri-Environment Payments. A case study of a Grassland Scheme in Saxony, Germany. vorgestellt auf der 26. Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE 2021). Juni 23-25, 2021.
- Konferenz-Vortrag: "Cost-Effectiveness, Distributional Impacts and Regionalization in Agri-Environment Scheme Design. A case study of a Grassland Scheme in Saxony, Germany", auf der BIOECON Konferenz 2019 in Wageningen (Niederlande)
- Konferenz-Vortrag: "What Counts More – Fairness to Dairy Cows or Fairness to Farmers? The Preference of Conventional Milk Buyers for Ethical Attributes of Milk" auf der 19th ANNUAL BIOECON CONFERENCE in Tilburg (Niederlande). (Link)
- Workshop-Teilnahme von Nonka Markova-Nenova am Nachwuchsworkshop „Umwelt‐ und Ressourcenökonomie“, 16.-17.02.2016, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ, Leipzig. Vortrag zum Thema „Efficiency, Distributional Impacts and Regionalization in AES design. An Analysis of the Grassland Scheme in Saxony, Germany“
- Vortrag zum Thema "The importance of equity in the design of PES schemes" beim Global Land Project Open Science Meeting, 21.03.2014 in Berlin
- Business Administration
- Ökonomie der Landnutzung und Wasserbewirtschaftung
seit 11/2010
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Volkswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Umweltökonomie an der BTU Cottbus
11/2010 – 06/2016
Umweltmanagement Koordinatorin an der BTU Cottbus
Masterstudium-Abschluss - Environmental and Resource Management, BTU Cottbus