Current module catalog (as of Februar 2023)
Appendix 1: Overview of modules, status, credit points (LP)
Module No. | Compulsory elective complexes or modules | Status | Evaluation | Credit Points |
Advanded Methods | Compulsory elective | Exam | 6 - 56 | |
Knowledge Acquisition, Representation, and Processing | Compulsory elective | Exam | 6 - 56 | |
Learning and Reasoning | Compulsory elective | Exam | 6 - 56 | |
Seminars or Laboratories | Compulsory elective | Study performance | 6 - 12 | |
General Studies | Compulsory elective | Exam | 6 | |
13602 | Internship | Mandatory | Study performance | 10 |
13600 | Master Thesis | Mandatory | Exam | 30 |
Sum | 120 |
Elective complex: Advanced Methods Note that a few, extra courses are offered for those who speak German.
Modul No. | Modul Title | Language | Credit Points |
11102 | Lineare Algebra und analytische Geometrie II | German | 8 |
11104 | Analysis II | German | 8 |
11201 | Analysis III | German | 8 |
11449 | Strukturelle Komplexitätstheorie | German | 8 |
11509 | Designing and Understanding Psychological Experiments | English | 6 |
11787 | Theoretische Informatik | German | 8 |
11859 | Cryptography | English | 8 |
11886 | Dependability and Fault Tolerance | English | 6 |
11889 | Introduction to Cyber Security | English | 8 |
12433 | Multiagenten-Systeme | German (English on request) | 4 |
12458 | Algebraische Rechenmodelle | German | 8 |
12464 | Modeling and Simulation of Discrete Systems | English | 6 |
12471 | Ausgewählte Kapitel der Theoretischen Informatik | German | 8 |
12973 | Network and System Security | English | 6 |
13220 | Modeling in Mixed-Integer Optimization | English | 8 |
13490 | Secure Cyber-Physical Systems | English | 6 |
13843 | Scientific Computing | English | 6 |
13844 | Functional Analysis | English | 8 |
13849 | Introduction to Computational Neuroscience | English | 6 |
13863 | Mathematical Statistics | English | 8 |
13874 | Introduction to Numerical Linear Algebra | English | 6 |
13911 | Algebra: Structures and Algorithms | English | 6 |
14015 | Introduction to Mathematical Methods in Artificial Intelligence | English | 6 |
Elective complex: Knowledge Acquisition, Representation, and Processing Note that a few, extra courses are offered for those who speak German.
Modul No. | Modul Title | Language | Credit Points |
11881 | Foundations of Data Mining | English | 6 |
11911 | Grundzüge der Kognition und Wahrnehmung | German | 6 |
13500 | Introduction to Neural Signal Analysis | English | 6 |
13593 | Applied Algebraic Quantum Theory | English | 6 |
13668 | Sensorimotor Processing in Health and Disease | English | 6 |
13813 | Logic in Databases | English | 8 |
13838 / 12345 | Information Retrieval | English | 6 |
13839 | Advanced Database Models | English | 6 |
13840 | Data Warehouses | English | 6 |
13841 | Speech Processing | English | 6 |
13842 | Virtual Reality and Agents | English | 6 |
13845 | Multimedia Retrieval | German | 6 |
13889 | Stochastic Processes | English | 8 |
13908 | Experimental Techniques in Physics Supported with Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning | English | 6 |
13912 | Coding Theory | English | 6 |
13949 | Differential Geometry | English | 6 |
13963 | Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering | English | 6 |
13978 | Bioinformatics: Artifical Intelligence and Algorithmic Approaches | English | 6 |
Elective complex: Learning and Reasoning Note that a few, extra courses are offered for those who speak German.
Modul No. | Modul Title | Language | Credit Points |
11847 | Neural Networks and Learning Theory | English | 8 |
12826 | Mathematical Data Science | English | 8 |
13335 | Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) for Neuroadaptive Technology | English | 6 |
13715 | Causal Data Science in Business and Economics | English | 6 |
13846 | Learning in Real and Virtual Humans | English | 6 |
13847 | Cognitive Systems: Behavior Control | English | 6 |
13873 | Computer Architectures for Deep Learning | English | 6 |
13906 | Data exploration and system management using AI/ML | English | 6 |
13942 | Foundations of Psychophysiology | English | 6 |
11333 | Optimierung II | German | 8 |
12472 | Einführung in die Constraint-Programmierung | German | 6 |