Location and Topics

While interest in the Taylor-Couette system started around the end of the 19th century, the TVFWP (Taylor Vortex Flow Working Party) was only introduced in 1979 and was later renamed to ICTW (International Couette-Taylor Workshop). During the last 40 years a growing community got interested in the diverse flow patterns of the Taylor-Couette apparatus.
The 19th International Couette-Taylor Workshop will take place at the Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus, Germany, on June 22-24, 2015. The conference will be organized as a series of selected key-note talks, oral and poster presentations, covering experimental, theoretical and computational investigations on Taylor-Couette, Couette, or spherical geometries, coherent flow structures in rotating, bearing and stratified systems and flows with geophysical or astrophysical applications.