Introductions for Authors
Oral Presentation
The meeting room is equipped with computer projector, computer, and microphone.
Talks last 12 minutes, followed by 2 minutes for questions, and 1 minute for switching. Please contact the workshop staff on-site 2 hours before your session starts in order to load files onto the workshop computer. Please bring your presentation on a USB flash drive in PDF format. If you prefer to use your own computer, please inform the registration desk at least 2 hours before your presentation is scheduled. All speakers must keep to the allotted time for their presentation as session chairs will very strictly adhere to time schedule.
Poster Session
The posters should be mounted at the beginning of the workshop. We will provide display boards for mounting posters with a maximum size of 84.1 cm × 118.9 cm (ISO A0). Please take along a printed version of your poster to the workshop. There will be no facility to print out a poster at the conference venue.