The 19th International Couette-Taylor Workshop will take place at the Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus, Germany in the 'Lecture Hall C' (Hörsaal C) of the 'Central Auditorium Building' (ZHG) marked with red on the 'Campus Map'.

By car from the North
from Berlin on A10 to “Schönefelder Kreuz”
change to A13, direction Cottbus/Dresden
on A13 to “Dreieck Spreewald”
change to A15, direction Cottbus/Forst
leave A15 via exit Cottbus-West
direction Cottbus, “Technische Universität”
By car from the South
from Dresden on A4 to “Dreieck Dresden Nord”
change to A13, direction Cottbus/Berlin
on A13 to “Dreieck Spreewald”
change to A15, direction Cottbus/Forst
leave A15 via exit Cottbus-West
direction Cottbus, “Technische Universität”