Alex Moyem Kombat (Dip., BA, MSc.)

T +49 (0) 152 1201 9909
F +49 (0) 355 69 2472
Raum: LG 10/513g

Adresse: LG 10/533g, P.O. Box 101344, 03013 Cottbus-Germany

  • Alex M. Kombat (2015): Economic analysis of petroleum taxes in pollution control in Ghana,Journal of International Real Estate and Construction Studies, Vol. 3 (2).
  • Alex Moyem Kombat (2014): Economic Assessment of Environmental Taxes and Standards in Managing the Environmental Problems that Emanate from Oil and Gas Production in Ghana's Jubilee Field, Journal of International Real Estate and Construction Studies, Vol. 3 (1)
Beruflicher Werdegang

seit 2012
PhD Student at the Chair of Environmental Economics, BTU-Cottbus

04/2010 - 2012
Adjunct Lecturer at the Ghana Telecom University College (GTUC), Accra-Ghana

01/2009 - 2012
Adjunct Lecturer at the Regent University College of Science and Technology (RUCST), Accra-Ghana

04/2006 - 2012
Senior Research Official at the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), Accra-Ghana

04/2006 - 2012
Senior Part-time Examiner at the West African Examinations Council (WAEC), Accra-Ghana

Junior Part-Time worker at Millennium Hotel, Stuttgart-Germany

10/2002 - 2004
MSc. Degree in Environmental and Resource Management, BTU-Cottbus

09/2000 - 2002
Assistant Inspector of Taxes at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Accra-Ghana


Member of Ghana Revenue Authority Integration and Modernization Project