Mary Nthambi

T +49 (0) 355 69 2742
F +49 (0) 355 69 2472
Raum: LG 10/506g
Preis: Soroptimist Preis 2017 für "Studentinnen der BTU mit guten bis sehr guten Leistungen, die sich in der Studentenschaft für die internationale Verständigung einsetzen und den interkulturellen Dialog fördern" ausgezeichnet. (Link)
Preis: Poster Preis für die Fakultät 2 bei den BTU Young Researchers’ Days mit dem Poster "Environmental Valuation and Analysis of Climate Change Adaptation Measures in Agriculture: A Case Study of Makueni County, Kenya"
Currently, 2014: PhD Student at the Chair of Environmental Economics, BTU-Cottbus
Field of Research: Economic Valuation and Analysis of Climate Change Adaptation Measures in Agriculture: Case of Makueni County, Kenya2014: German Course: Kreuzberg Sprachinstitut, Bonn
2010 - 2012: University of Nairobi in Collaboration with Pretoria University, South Africa:
Masters of Science in Agricultural and Applied Economics (Major: Environment and Natural Resource Management)
Field of research: Household Solid Waste Management Options
2006 - 2010: University of Nairobi
Bachelor of Science (Range Management)
2004 - 2005: Strathmore University
Diploma in Business Information Technology
2003 - 2004: Strathmore University
Higher Diploma in Management Information Systems (MIS)
2016: Praktiukm beim Projekt climatescorecard
2013 - 2014: Research Assistant: Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) on McGill Project in ASALs
2013 - 2014: Research Assistant: USAID Kenya Horticulture Competitiveness Project
2013 - 2014: Part-time Lecturer; University of Nairobi, Kabete Campus; Catholic University of East Africa
2013: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Expert: Cortec Mining Kenya Limited, Kwale County
2013: Research Assistant: ASARECA Potato Value Chain Analysis in East Africa
2012 - 2013: Research Assistant: Rempai Constultancy on International Research and Development Centre (IDRC) Project : GlobalGAP analysis
2003 - 2007: Transcriber/Editor/Local Area Network Assistant: Strathmore University
- Nthambi, M., Nyikal, R. and Mburu, J. (2015): Determinants of Households’ Choice of Solid Waste Management Options in Kibera Slum, Kenya. Journal of International Real Estate and Construction Studies, Vol. 3 (2).
- Smallholder Choice of Compliance Arrangements: The Case of GlobalGAP Adoption by French Bean Farmers in Kirinyaga, Mbooni and Buuri/Laikipia Counties, Kenya. Conference paper. Link
- Book: Solid Waste Management Options for Households in Developing Countries: Economic Assessment in Kibera Slum in Kenya. Copyright © 2014 OmniScriptum GmbH & Co. KG: ISBN978-3-659-66146-4
- Live member in Kenya Association For the Intellectually Handicapped.
- Professional membership with KAAD Association of Scholars in East Africa(KASEA).
- Member of Society of KAAD Association of Scholars in East Africa (SOK; Charity Arm of KASEA)
- African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE)