Konstruktion und Fertigung kommissarisch Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Sabine Weiß
[1] Single point incremental forming: state-of-the-art and prospects; JR Duflou, AM Habraken, J Cao, R Malhotra, M Bambach, D Adams, ...; International Journal of Material Forming 11 (6), 743-773; 2018
[2] Integrated Forming and Surface Engineering of Disc Springs by Inducing Residual Stresses by Incremental Sheet Forming; R Hajavifard, F Maqbool, A Schmiedt-Kalenborn, J Buhl, M Bambach, ...; Materials 12 (10), 1646; 2019
[3] Paddle shape optimization for hole-flanging by paddle forming through the use of a predefined strain path in finite element analysis; LI Besong, J Buhl, M Bambach; Journal of Machine Engineering 19; 2019
[4] Forming strategies and process modelling for CNC incremental sheet forming; G Hirt, J Ames, M Bambach, R Kopp; CIRP Annals 53 (1), 203-206; 2004
[5] Investigation into a new hybrid forming process: Incremental sheet forming combined with stretch forming; BT Araghi, GL Manco, M Bambach, G Hirt, CIRP annals 58 (1), 225-228; 2009
[6] Strategies to improve the geometric accuracy in asymmetric single point incremental forming; M Bambach, BT Araghi, G Hirt; Production Engineering 3 (2), 145-156; 2009
[7] Laser-assisted asymmetric incremental sheet forming of titanium sheet metal parts; A Göttmann, J Diettrich, G Bergweiler, M Bambach, G Hirt, P Loosen, ...; Production Engineering 5 (3), 263-271; 2011
[8] A geometrical model of the kinematics of incremental sheet forming for the prediction of membrane strains and sheet thickness; M Bambach; Journal of Materials Processing Technology 210 (12), 1562-1573; 2010
[9] Neumann, Andreas; Brykarczyk, Daniel; Lenz, Wolfgang; Bambach, Markus. (2020) Using Vault Structure Steels to Improve the Lifetime of Radiant Tubes
[10] Besong, Lemopi Isidore; Buhl, Johannes; Bambach, Markus. (2019) Investigations on hole-flanging by paddle forming and a comparison with single point incremental forming
[11] Hirtler, Markus; Sydow, Benjamin; Bambach, Markus; Sizova, Irina; Ali, Y.; Sviridov, Alexander; Bergmann, Jean Pierre. (2018) Kombination von umformender und additiver Fertigungsverfahren zu einer ressourceneffizienten Prozesskette
[12] Ünsal, Ismail; Hama-Saleh, Rebar; Sviridov, Alexander; Bambach, Markus; Weisheit, Andreas; Schleifenbaum, Johannes Henrich. (2018) Mechanical properties of sheet metal components with local reinforcement produced by additive manufacturing
[13] Maqbool, Fawad; Bambach, Markus. (2018) Dominant deformation mechanisms in single point incremental forming (SPIF) and their effect on geometrical accuracy
[14] Sizova, Irina; Sviridov, Alexander; Bambach, Markus. (2017) Avoiding crack nucleation and propagation during upset bulging of tubes
[15] Neumann, Andreas; Bambach, Markus; Käb, Jochen; Gleich, Henning. (2017) Schüttgutklebtechnologie
[16] Maqbool, Fawad; Bambach, Markus. (2017) A Modular Tooling Set-up for Incremental Sheet Forming (ISF) with Subsequent Stress-Relief Annealing under Partial Constraints
[17] Sviridov, Alexander; Rusch, Michael; Almohallami, Amer; Bonk, Christian ; Bouguecha, Anas; Bambach, Markus; Behrens, Bernd-Arno. (2017) Creating load-adapted mechanical joints between tubes and sheets by controlling the material flow under plastically unstable tube upsetting
[18] Rusch, Michael; Almohallami, Amer; Sviridov, Alexander; Bonk, Christian; Behrens, Bernd-Arno; Bambach, Markus. (2017) Process optimization of joining by upset bulging with local heating
[19] Bambach, Markus; Sviridov, Alexander; Weisheit, Andreas. (2017) Stiffness management of sheet metal parts using laser metal deposition