Thermodynamik/Thermische Verfahrenstechnik Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fabian Mauß
[1] L. Seidel, Development and Reduction of a Multicomponent Reference Fuel for Gasoline, Cottbus, BTU C-S, PhD, 2017
[2] Seidel et al., Systematic Reduction of Detailed Chemical Reaction Mechanisms for Engine Applications, Journal of Engineering and Gas Turbines and Power, 2017
[3] Pasternak et al., Diesel engine performance mapping based on the parametrized mixing time model, International Journal of Engine Research, 2018
[4] Franken et al., Advanced Predictive Diesel Combustion Simulation Using Turbulence Model and Stochastic Reactor Model, SAE Technical Paper, 2017
[5] M. Pasternak, Simulation of the Diesel Engine Combustion Process Using the Stochastic Reactor Model, Cottbus, BTU C-S, PhD, 2016
[6] Netzer et al., Engine Knock Prediction and Evaluation Based on Detonation Theory Using a Quasi-Dimensional Stochastic Reactor Model, SAE Technical Paper, 2017
[7] Aslanjan et al., Simulation of a three-way catalyst using transient single and multi-channel models, SAE Technical Paper, 2017
[8] Aslanjan et al., On the Influence of Inlet Gas Variations and Gas Phase Chemistry in a Three-Way Catalyst, COMODIA, Okayama, 2017
[9] Franken et al., Multi-Objective Optimization of Fuel Consumption and NOx Emissions with Reliability Analysis Using a Stochastic Reactor Model, SAE Technical Paper, 2019
[10] Franken et al., Multi-objective optimization of water injection in spark-ignition engines using the stochastic reactor model with tabulated chemistry, International Journal of Engine Research, 2019
[11] Aslanjan et al., Development of a Physical Parameter Optimizer for 1D Catalyst Modeling on the Example of a Transient Three-Way Catalyst Experiment, Combustion Symposium, Dublin, 2018
[12] Shrestha, Krishna P.; Seidel, Lars; Zeuch, Thomas; Mauss, Fabian. (2019) Kinetic Modeling of NOx Formation and Consumption during Methanol and Ethanol Oxidation, Combustion Science and Technology, 191:9, 1628-1660
[13] Shrestha, Krishna P., et al. (2018) Detailed kinetic mechanism for the oxidation of ammonia including the formation and reduction of nitrogen oxides. Energy & Fuels 32.10 (2018): 10202-10217